2019 Beer Goals + Year in Review

  1. Done. Met more rbeerians, and just some other nice beer-y people.
  2. Done. Traveled to Prague, so doing a lot of polotmavys was easy. 14 of each style at the moment, Faro being the lowest.
  3. Done. Only 4 styles left under 20.
  4. Failed. Still missing Louisiana, Mississippi, New Jersey, Rhode Island, West Virginia. Didn’t put big effort into it, so no surprise here.
  5. Total failure. I rated way more than last year, partly because of more traveling.

2019 goals:

  1. Rate less. 2018 was way too crazy. I’m not sure this will happen because I have already bought tickets for 3 different festivals, including MBCC, but this is the main aim.
  2. Travl to at least 3 new EU capitals.
  3. Meet more rbeerians.
  4. Keep ticking hard to get styles. At the moment 17 styles have less than 30 ratings, I will try to get it down to 12. If the style change should finally happen, then will try to get 10 of every style.
  5. Secondary goal: get 5 more counties ticked (at the moment 105) and get 4 new countries ticked (at the moment 106).