2019 Goals Review & Beer goals for 2020? For the decade?

1 - Would say 50%. When I am free I always check taplists on Untappd before heading to a bar. But I never said no to a beer I like and I already rated
2 - Super easy. Thanks to trades and to my short trip to Manchester/Liverpool I reached 182 UK ratings (142 in 2019 only). Belgium reached 104 (31 this year)
3 - 12 places added and (I think) around 100 beers. Being the only active rater of craft beers in Berlin makes it easier.
4 - A lot of country ticks, crap pale lagers but also amazing beers from Romania, Iceland, Slovakia, Hungary, Slovenia, Croatia, Serbia, Bulgaria. This is connected to #1: every time a bar was hosting breweries from new countries, I was there.
5 - I could have done better, but Grüne Woche (not really a beer fest, but with a lot of breweries from all over the world), Handgemacht 2019, Manchester Food&Drink Fest, International Beer Festival Berlin 2019 have pushed my ratings a lot.

Goals for 2020?

  • Drink less (948 ratings so far in 2019, with 4 beers ready for today to be added)
  • Trade more (12 trades in 2019)
  • Buy less crap beers from unknown “craft” German breweries just to boost my stats.
  • Improve my tasting skills, studying more. (just bought 3 books for that)
  • Find beer fellows in Berlin to organize regular beer tasting sessions like other users do. Might need to convert someone to RB

All in all it was a successfull year, beerwise. Thanks to all those who shared a pint with me and to those who sent me amazing beers from their home country! (@MonsterMagnet, @omhper, @minutemat, @japppp, @dantomlinson, @Cuso, @midovark, @Wendigo, @rhoihessegold, @Koelschtrinker )