3hrs 41 minutes to London on the train

Don’t know if any of you guys have seen this.

Will make a change from taking a cab to Heathrow and taxiing in from the far runway at Schipol … this operation once took me longer than the actual time in the air from London City !

Best stack up on some beers to rate on the train !!!


Yeah, taxiing from the Polderbaan, one of the hateful parts of arriving on Schiphol. This train sounds nice though.

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Will use it in september.

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Beavertown Extravaganza I presume ?

Whoa. Didn’t know that. I’ll be there some time in April then!

This is great. Curious about the prices though, as a plain ticket is almost for free nowadays. Tough to compete with. Although comfort and having a few beers are definitely worth something.

Well if you guys ever come to London for a beer trip or we go the other way for Borefts you just need to get 3 or 4 on the same train and you have a mobile tasting to pass the time … probably get through 25/30 depending on your pace !

Damn. Might have to partake at some point.

Great initiative - they should have worked on that ages ago. Prices seem to be starting at 40 euro one-way. And hopefully a smooth border control will be implemented.