Beer Cellar and Best Before End date option with notifications

A BIG wish and BIG step up for Beer Cellar: Best Before date.

I have a nice app called Best Before that allows me to take a picture of an item and provide quantity, BB date and even text if I ever wanted. I use that for my beer cellar, a photo of each kind of beer and a date, then I can browse my cellar by date and notifications will tell me when a beer is over dated. Very useful, but not very handy, and no support for iOS 11+

I wish that when I scan a beer I can add it to Cellar, leave quantity and BB. Then I wouldn’t use 2 apps when shopping for beer… right now I scan with ratebeer to see if I have rated it before, and then browse my entire beercollection (a pretty big one) in the other app. Very time consuming and unpractical, in stead of just scan with Ratebeer and in a second see if I have rated it and if I have it in my beer collection.

AND if you give us a possibillity to sort after BB date and let alarms / notification sound a beeb when a month, a week, a day before BB date… that would be perfect. And help me sort my beer collection by date far better.

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I think this option would be more useful if there was both BB and bottled on, as the latter is a much more useful number with many beers.

I agree, that would be an even better solution, and a change that perhaps was best done “in one sitting”.

But my needs for now is the BBE date, although I can see your point. Hopefully both ideas will be chosen.

The beer cellar is useless for me without BBE date, because then I still would have to use a second app for that.

I find that ratebeer could gain much respect / more users, if they did this.

Could be nice but we’d have to have a working beer cellar first. I’ve been complaining about getting this fixed for several months now. We don’t even have an updated style categories and that was supposed to be live over 3 months ago and that was a priority. Don’t get your hopes up. Right now, I’ve decided to just be thankful I have a website that at least functions for the purpose of rating beer.

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Well although I have rated/reviewed 1000+ beers on ratebeer, I have almost never used the Beer Cellar, because I used the other app for that. And have not used the forums a lot. But for what I know, I’d have to partially agree with you… Of course Beer Cellar should work, but what if they reinvented it instead of fixing it? Might be a better solution.