"Beer Newb" > Brown stuff at bottom of a hefeweissbier dunkel and other Hefes?

I just finished off a beer I have had in a neutral temperature part of the house (my room), and after finishing it off almost noticed the brown “stuff” (for lack of better words) that might be sediment/yeast. It’s a Weihenstephaner Hefeweissbier Dunkel. I don’t drink dunkels that often, and this is a first and just want to confirm that it’s just the yeast at the bottom. It’s brown, a bit “globby”. Just checking that I didn’t drink something that had gotten bacteria in it… though I’m sure it would have popped the top before getting that much in it developed? I know it’s safe if it’s just yeast or dark malt…right?

Yup, that’s yeast and it should be there. You haven’t had a “dunkel”, you’ve had a “hefeweissbier dunkel” AKA “dunkelweizen”, which like hefeweizens should have a yeasty sediment.

OK, Thank you!

So the same goes for most any sediment found in the Weihenstephaner brews?

Yep, and also the same is true of a lot of UK bottle conditioned beers and Belgian ales.

Also note that a lot of modern craft beers have much finer “sediment” in suspension giving the beer a hazy or cloudy appearance. That’s fine too.

Next time before you pop your Hefe lay the bottle on its side and gently roll back and forth several times. That’ll get more of that yeast busted loose which will give you a bunch more flavor! Or give the bottle a good swirl at almost the end of your pour and get the yeast outta there. Enjoy!

Cool! Thanks for the tips :). First time I saw this today, I almost panicked after having downed the whole bottle and only then seeing the sediment. Lol. So I tried a bit of research and only found one thread on the whole of the net according to google about this and it was here in the archives… but I had to be sure with a bit more of a delve into it than the original thread went. Thanks a lot!

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Anyone recall when bottled Guinness had sediment?

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