BEER PAGE Feedback / bugs Update

Obviously, the page format isn’t finished right now. but it should be compliant with the one used in the Ratebeer App.

Here’s what should be changed and/or optimized BEFORE release.

The name should use the Complete first row of the section with a maybe just one font size smaller (reducing the frequency of having the name split in multiple lines)

Remove the underscore on the Brewer name, use the blue font link instead to make evident that it’s a link. Underscore ins’t looking good.

Use 1 separate line for the beer score,

Use 1 separate line for the the ABV / IBU in the line under the style.

For the beer picture, use more space, including the lines next to the Scores / # Reviews, beer style and ABV/IBU

Instead of having to click Show Private Reviews (since you mentioned “private” would disappear), separate ratings under different tabs: ALL RATINGS, FULL REVIEWS, SHORT RATINGS, FRIENDS

Remove the Country flags (site-wide!)… They don’t work under Windows 10 and make pages look silly…

@aww @services

BUG The number of reviews in the Review section REVIEWS (XX) doesn’t fit with the number of reviews in the Beer description. For some reason, some reviews appear twice in the Review section.

BUG SERVED IN Glassware options don’t display for all Beers from the newer Styles added last year.

BUG when you click on the SPOTTED AT link, we have a map popup with the multiple locations available, but zooming in or out on the map doesn’t display any location and clicking on the location doesn’t move the map to the location, it popups the place page instead…so basically, the map there is useless…

BUG On the Admin panel, “Last edited by Unknown” should be displayed “Last edited by (empty)” instead

Move the REGION/COUNTRY FLAG under the Brewer name.

Move the STYLE / ABV / IBU under the beer name, before the Scores (like the current Beer Search Results). This makes it look better and the beer picture automatically rendered bigger, which is a good thing

Missing ROWS PER PAGE option 250 & ALL.

Missing those SORT BY options for reviews:
Lowest Score
(rename Most Recent to NEWEST)

ADMIN NOTES should be clearly visible (to admins only) on the Beer page.

The MOVE RATING (pencil) and DELETE RATING (trash) Review admin tools should appear both on each Reviews exactly like on the Place Page and work EXACTLY THE SAME WAY (remove the whole pop up window which would save us an extra click each time and make quick mass editing possible* ). And make it load in a new tab.

The displayed Beer Name is way too big on on mobile view (using a phone)
The Beer Name should use the Complete first row of the section with a smaller font size (reducing the frequency of having the name split in multiple lines)

For the beer picture, use more space, including the lines next to the Scores / # Reviews, beer style and ABV/IBU, ESPECIALLY WHEN THE PICTURE IS WIDER THAN TALLER. In order to make the picture render bigger, ALWAYS keep the location/style/abv/ibu UNDER the score line, no matter the page width, to have that extra line.

Change the QUICK RATING button into a DISPLAY ONLY button : REVIEWS (default view), ALL RATINGS, QUICK RATINGS.

Missing a link to the full beer statistic page. ( )

Under the RATE THIS BEER SECTION, we should have A SECTION with link(s) to The Beer Aliases

In the More options (3 dots) menu, add ADD TO CELLAR and ADD TO WISH LIST options (for use with the old have/want list)

-------------STATISTIC POP PUP ------------

MORE STATISTICS should integrate the original beer stats (Rating History and Rating Distribution still available for every beer at the URL
(along with Rating History and Rating Distribution charts, you should also Distribution History aka average score given over time)

It should also display the Average Rating Score given for each of the 5 attributes (AATPO) by the users as well.

That section contains a few errors as well

Average Rating should be renamed Average Score for all Ratings

Review Average should be renamed Average Score for Reviews Only

Weighted Average should be name Weighted Average Score

Overall Score, remove the definition on this popup page. You just added a WHAT THESE SCORE MEAN right next to it already…

@joet @services

There is going to be a link to a beer’s statistics page again one day, right?

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(New format from 2020-03-10)

The displayed Beer Name is way too big.

When you search a beer you already quick rated, the first time you access the page, it displays like you didn’t rated it at all (distribution infos are missing as well), you have to reload the page in order to see it.

When you click SAVE for a review, we always get the message ERROR SUBMITTING REVIEW, PLEASE TRY AGAIN. but the rating is loaded nonetheless.

On mobile view, SHOW SCORE BREAKDOWN and SHOW PRIVATE REVIEWS don’t display correctly (they are split in 3-4 lines)

@aww @services

WHAT THESE SCORES MEANS should be moved to Show More section

MORE STATISTICS should also integrate the original beer stats (Rating History and Rating Distribution still available for every beer at the URL

That new section contains a few errors as well

More Statisitcs shoud be spelled correctly to Statistics

Average Rating should be renamed Average Score for all Ratings

Review Average should be renamed Average Score for Reviews Only

Weighted Average should be name Weighted Average Score and be moved next to the other 5 star scores with the correct info.

“Overall Score
These scores are calculated using an algorithm and are weighted using a Bayesian formula; it takes into account both the reviews given by each user and the total number of reviews for the beer.”

This is not true at all, the Overall and Style Scores don’t use Bayesian formula, this is the Weighted Average that does…

The OVERALL SCORE is a pencentile score based on the Weighted Rating Score compared to all the products listed on the website.

you should add the STYLE SCORE right after with the correct definition which is being a percentile score based on the Weighted Rating Score compared to all products of the same style.

I already mentioned it a while ago to modify it (and many other errrors and omissions) on the OUR SCORES page as well.

@aww @services @joet

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Looks like you again have forgotten to update “Rate this beer” frame in top right corner !

So now you can not easy see if you have rated a beer … because frame do not update !

@services @joet

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See also … same issue SOLVED Beer page do not reflash

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Thanks very much for the heads up. We’ll be looking at this today.

A post was merged into an existing topic: BEERS: Issues Reporting - Please Post Here for modifications

Any news … still not working
@joet @services

Why do I have to click through hundreds or even thousands of pages if I want to go to the last page with the oldest ratings? This is the pure definition of how Ratebeer har evolved, EVERY damn interesting feature is missing…

These were fixed.

not sure if this is the right thread for this, but:
just now when adding a review / rating, in the “location” box, “three floyds” and “3 floyds” both turned up only: “the filter returned no results”.