BEER PAGE Feedback / bugs Update

WHAT THESE SCORES MEANS should be moved to Show More section

MORE STATISTICS should also integrate the original beer stats (Rating History and Rating Distribution still available for every beer at the URL

That new section contains a few errors as well

More Statisitcs shoud be spelled correctly to Statistics

Average Rating should be renamed Average Score for all Ratings

Review Average should be renamed Average Score for Reviews Only

Weighted Average should be name Weighted Average Score and be moved next to the other 5 star scores with the correct info.

“Overall Score
These scores are calculated using an algorithm and are weighted using a Bayesian formula; it takes into account both the reviews given by each user and the total number of reviews for the beer.”

This is not true at all, the Overall and Style Scores don’t use Bayesian formula, this is the Weighted Average that does…

The OVERALL SCORE is a pencentile score based on the Weighted Rating Score compared to all the products listed on the website.

you should add the STYLE SCORE right after with the correct definition which is being a percentile score based on the Weighted Rating Score compared to all products of the same style.

I already mentioned it a while ago to modify it (and many other errrors and omissions) on the OUR SCORES page as well.

@aww @services @joet

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