County Stat Attack Week 2 - Wiltshire

When I lived in Windsor, Windsor & Eton - despite being a new brewer, introduced shires. Think they did a monthly delivery to pubs in Windsor town centre.

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Windsor & Eton

hook norton brewery dray

Adnams, Windsor & Eton and Hook Norton (with the now retired Roger) Drays. All fantastic.


I have really enjoyed all the Wiltshire post and am looking forward to next weeks randomly generated county. Thanks @imdownthepub and hope to see you again at a beer festival next year. Maybe Peterborough

I’ve been looking at Wiltshire places and think a pint at this place might be a good to finish the ‘pint in every county’ thing

Anyone been? Other suggestions welcome!

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Your welcome and yes, it would be great to meet up again at a Beer Festival, we are booked in at our normal site for the week of Peterborough Beer Festival, so hopefully it is back up and running by then.
I like to run the Random Generated list quite late as it makes it a surprise for me as well, just hoping it comes up with a county that brings extra people in to the discussion.
I have been to the Red Lion at Cricklade, I don’t understand why I haven’t reviewed it on here, it was a while back though. Lovely pub and well worth visiting, particularly if you are low on Hop Kettle beers, it has the bonus of just being inside the county. If ever you can you should try to get to Swindon Old Town, it’s a cracking area for pubs.

That list excludes ciders produced by breweries.

@BeardedAvenger Yes that’s true, but doesn’t explain having 5 cideries but with less than 2 cider rates on the list for that county - from what I can see it’s because ticks are counted for cideries list, but not counted for ciders rated list. Am not sure if that applies to brewery vs beer count lists also

Quaffable have a list of new breweries added during 2020 and I see that our stats for Wiltshire are at least one new brewery short: Hop Therapy of Draycot Cerne. Will add them (and any other on that list that are relevant.

I guess I’ll also see if it can be sorted by other years as well.

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I hope we have encouraged you to dig out a Wiltshire beer to open up your county account :beers: :beer:

Little late to this party with little substance to bring. Currently 12 rates from Wiltshire, have almost as many in the cellar. Not a county that I have focused on at all. To be honest my English Heritage membership and @Grumbo are reason I have as many as I do currently.

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Another late to the party reply @SHIG about another county whose beers don’t like to get out much

125 rates, which puts me 17th.
24 different breweries, which puts me =9th.
3.2 average Wiltshire beer score.
2 ciders and cideries (enough to get me into the top 10 of both).
7 places rated.
18 Wadworth beers my highest volume brewery (a lot of that due to trips to the Goat and Tricycle whilst working in Bournemouth).
3.43 my highest rated brewery Dark Revolution (and I have a fair few in stock from them).

Highest places rated The Tuppenny and The Eternal Optimist. 6 of the 7 place rates came from one trip to Swindon in April 2019. My wife had a friend working there briefly so we visited, and whilst they caught up, drove around, went shopping etc I wandered the streets picking off some surprisingly good pubs. I was first to have rated both those places, good to see @imdownthepub has recently been to The Tuppenny and appears similarly impressed.

What else do I know about Wiltshire?

M4 goes through it.
Train from Paddington to Bristol goes through it.
XTC are from there - one of my early favourites.
Swindon Robins speedway - been there to watch Ipswich quite a few times.
12Bar is (was?) a great little music venue.
The Magic Roundabout is a bar steward to drive around.
oh, and the “buses only” road signs are very difficult to see (so my wife said when the fine arrived about 10 days after we got back)


Agree with you on XTC, a great band



Finally I have been to a place in Wiltshire. That would be the English map completed if they worked!!

Visited the Red Lion in Cricklade home of Hop Kettle.


I haven’t been to Wiltshire either.

According to the numbers, I gave Hop Kettle Space Cowboy a score of 4.0 but no other scores of 4 for the county. I note I was well above the average for that one too.

I ordered from Hop Kettle and Kettlesmith earlier this year in an attempt to get into the top 50 list which I managed. A bit of a mixed bag from both really, but mission achieved.

Apart from that, in Scotland, we just tend to see the odd Wadsworth beer in a Nicolsons or Spoons pub.

Hope to visit one day and have some local cask!


Not visited, but the purchase of a case online in October 2020 from Dark Revolution, plus shares of Kettlesmith and Hop Kettle with @AshtonMcCobb from his aforementioned orders, pushed me up to 69 rates, and currently joint 43rd with @beardedavenger .

My highest rated matches the top in the county, although I was less generous with 3.8 back in 2013.

Wadworth’s cask probably picked up mostly at Spoons festivals make up the majority of the rest.


Other than ordering some beers from Dark Revolution (which were very cheap IIRC) I’ve slowed down on Wiltshire rates because I used to pick them up in local pubs when in the office and have of course have not been in the office.