
So, when did it become okay to call it Budvar in the US?

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It’s been an ongoing process for over a century:

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Yeah, I am aware of that. Czechvar I used to buy back in the late 90s early 2000s on my trips to Fort Collins Colorado. Budvar I found on the shelf locally in 2012. So, are they currently co existent but more importantly, when was it okay for the beer to be labeled Budvar in the US?

Currently it is not - see:


" Budweiser Budvar Brewery and the American brewery Anheuser-Busch have been engaged in an ongoing trademark dispute over the name Budweiser since the start of the 20th century. In 1939, only one week before the German occupation of Czechoslovakia, Budweiser Budvar agreed to concede exclusive rights to the American brewery in the United States area.["

I remember when it was Ceske Budweis.