Euro Local Swap 2021

Not this time. Maybe next one.

Have fun

I’m in for this one as well. (EU only)

I’m sitting this one out, hopefully can join in next one.

I’ll skip this one.

No other participants? Come on guys?

So few participants? Does this even make sense to organize swap? Well… I have already done buying beers so if someone is willing to do private swap instead?


janne, I tnink this makes always sence. ten people is not so few. :slight_smile: you will still have participant. What others say?

As far as I’m concerned, we can still make a trade.
We are with enough people right?

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Yes, I will do pairings during weekend. we are 10.

VastActiv Fin
Wendigo SK
Cuso SK
rauchbierlover D
dunklermessiah D
markoijelena NL
Sebilinz Aut
omhper Swe
TomHendriksen NL
MarkoNm Slovinsko

First swaps were about 10-13 people. :beers:

Hey Imro, you can remove me. As I said in my edited message, there are so many Germans in queue that I will happily leave my spot for one of them.

I just made a personal trade with Marko this week (the third in 3 months), a trade with Janne last month and one with you, so better give the chance to partecipate to @rhoihessegold who’s in queue. Or to any other German guy waiting.

I think this is fairer :slight_smile:

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OK. so this is so far final list:

VastActiv Fin
Wendigo SK
Cuso SK
rhoihessegold D
dunklermessiah D
markoijelena NL
Sebilinz Aut
omhper Swe
TomHendriksen NL
MarkoNm Slo

Swaps always makes sense!

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As much as I like these swaps I just have too much beer at home and I’m trying to reduce that while still brewing regularly. At the same time I’m drinking less, so I will probably skip the swaps for a while.
Have fun! :beers:

this is sad news, but I understand.

Thanks mate :))

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