FAO UK Admins - Breweries/Places Housekeeping

This brewery was a bit of a mystery but I see they now have a website:



Address is: 50 Mylen Road, Andover, Hampshire, SP10 3HG

The following breweries have closed:





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It’s now showing on the map in Wales. Thanks for the heads up!

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All verified and sorted. Thanks Mark.

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Thanks for this one!

Coalshed brewery appear to have beers at the Nottingham beer festival, but we have them as closed


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In the end it turned out they were just building an extension - I guess it’s brewed in someone’s shed basically, on Google Walk you can find casks in their front yard hahah. They started brewing again in August-September this year.

In any case, reopened and expanded the brewery entry, unretired Fallout as it appears to be the only one of the two beers still brewed for now.

Just wondering if Partizan Brewing should actually have been moved to Leicestershire as the company went into liquidation and has been dissolved before the move was completed.

They are still releasing new beers. :thinking:

#20 was added to Untapped and on at BeerHouse in Leicestershire Sept 7 & 11. There are at least 6 other beers added on Untapped since July.

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I wonder if Langton are using them as a brand? It’s clear that Partizan were moving to use Langton Brewery equipment but if they Liquidated the company during the move the brand would still have some value. It could mean that we have to move some of the beers over. This is just speculation though, I will try asking through my contacts.

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Just rated a Red Cat beer and remembered that they packed it in a while back:


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Would this be considered a new beer?

Blue Monkey Chimpagne

It’s an occasional brew and was 10%, but at this years Nottingham Beer Festival it’s billed as13%. (I will check the tap and make sure it is 13%)

If I try it should I add as a new beer including the year or abv? seems like a big enough difference to me?

I may have dreamt this but isn’t the unwritten rule +/- 15%, which this would be.

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It looks like they have had Vintage Chimpagne and Vintage Woody Chimpagne that never made it on RateBeer so most likely you’ll find out that this is a new variance. I’m also leery about festival media vs the actual beer.

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The 10% one was also gluten free, the 13% one isn’t listed as Gluten Free

Another one gone unfortunately.


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This beer is a duplicate:


of this one


I think you have that backwards and since no one corrected the name when it was originally added it became a duplicate.

Noticed that most of the recent Cruzcampo Lager (5%) reviews are from the UK. That reminded me that I’d read that the one launched over here was a UK version, brewed here.
Should presumably be added as a new Heineken UK beer, it’s brewed to a UK recipe and is only 4.3%:

Heineken launches Cruzcampo lager on draught into the UK.

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4.4% actually.

Anyway, created a new entry and moved the UK ratings, including those from @minutemat and @tommann in spite of them being slightly earlier than the official launch - they really seem like soft launch ticks. I mean, it’s technically possible that they had brought in Spanish kegs before April 3rd, but it seems unlikely.

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The saga of Wild Beer enters another chapter …