FEATURE REQUEST - Compile ratings as non-premium member

Hey Ratebeer team, I know this might be a long shot but I’d like to gain some feedback on this anyway. Is there any chance the “compile ratings” functionality could be made accessible for non-premium members? EU citizens like me have a right to data portability thanks to GDPR regulations, i.e. we should be allowed the access to our own data without it being behind a closed wall.
Currently I am unable to use this as I don’t have a premium membership. I would consider it, having used Ratebeer for a long time and not planning to leave soon (huge backlog, you know the likes) but I haven’t seen the site improve significantly after recent updates. Or is there anyone who could convince me otherwise?
Many thanks in advance for your feedback!

Focusing solely on GDPR and Data Portability, I believe this is mainly in regards to the personal information that a Data Controller holds upon you.

As per data you have entered that is not to be considered personal information protected under GDPR, I do not believe this would fall under the proposed right to data portability. Of course it could be argued that the data given may contain information in regards to location and individual purchases etc., but for that I would almost guess you’d need to go to court and get a decision if that would be the case.

You can however request that your personal information provided to ratebeer would be made available to you in a machine readable format, but that would likely contain your name, email address postal address and anything else you’ve opted to enter under your user profile.

I can see your point of having data freely entered as reviews still be made available, since the functionality is there for premium it would be easy enough to give access to everyone. That is more up to the powers to decide though, and the way I see it not covered under GDPR.

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Now what if a third party made a Freedom of Information Request :grinning:

In the USA such requests are only valid with respect to government entities. Only governments have a funding basis large enough to deal with obnoxious idiots who use the process to damage.

Indeed, I quite often get them at work.