Just looked it up, that seems like a nice affordable alternative and not too hard to put together. How do you like it? Does it work well?
It works pretty well! I need to calibrate mine better though.
If you guys are into giving this forum an injection of activity, I’m ALL for it, btw.
I am glad to see this come to life.
I brew weekly 5 gal batches and I keg some and bottle the rest. Over the six years of dong this i tried a couple dozen styles, but now stick to two styles…at opposite end of the spectrum - Russian Imperial Stout and American Pale Ale. Within these two styles I tweak the receipts keeping the grain bill steady and varying the hops. I am always experimenting. I keep detailed records. My set up is simple (mash tun from an Igloo and a variety of fermenters). I give most of my beer away, and everyone says my beers are a good or better than most commercial offerings. I am happy to share my knowledge with others and learn new tricks. That is what a forum is forl
Doe anyone here uses valves to ad water automatically? I was wondering which material I have to use. Stainless steel or nylon with an EPDM rubber looks best to me according to this article https://tameson.co.uk/chemical-resistance-of-materials.html#chemical-resistance-chart
Does anybody here has any experience with that?