Forum feedback thread

oh donā€™t be silly. just take a little adjustment.

yeah ive not worked out how to mute in bulk. but ive just muted each forum i dont want as it appears.

thereā€™s lots of little advantages once your set up right

Some gaps in the regionals.RIP Western Canada, I guess?

Clean slate. I think that Joe is working on the if itā€™s requested itā€™s probably legitimate. I asked for a re-shuffle for Eastern Canada that was dead and useless. Made it Quebec, Ontario can (should) follow suite. I donā€™t know if Western Canada makes sense as a region, more than the provinces. Itā€™s an occasion to rethink these I think.

Maybe a Pacific Northwest with BC, Wash, Ore, Ida?

Anything on this @joet ?

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We are logging comments now (thanks!), will group and order them, and then discuss changes with a sort of 360 view of how weā€™d to proceed. There are some items that are quick fixes, like adding a forum, but i think we want to be sure we do these integration pieces right. It might take more than a few moments.


Thanks, my dude. On the whole the new forums are looking great. A few tweaks here and there maybe would improve things, but thatā€™s just nit-picking.

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Added here from another thread for visibility

Thanks, Blipp!

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I dislike the fact that clicking on a username takes you to his forum-user-page and not his ratebeer profile. I donā€™t care about their forum badges or forum stats at all, I just want to quickly see their ratings.

Other than that itā€™s kinda nice but it sure will take some getting used to.


Yes, others have mentioned this as well. This was a gross oversight on my part. Weā€™ll get this taken care of, but it may a take a bit of time.


That was a fast reply. Thanks and good luck moving forward!

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Some of the old-school pages still have a link to the old forum, e.g., .

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So way olde school. Thanks!

Iā€™d like to see a Rocky Mountain forum but really, it wouldnā€™t work if no one uses it. Hell, the CO forum had posts that were measured in days and monthsā€¦

@joet any chance those old stats pages will be updated a bit and brought more in line with the rest of the newer stats pages?

I logged out, closed firefox and logged into the forums page directly, Seems to be working know. Wierd! Could be something to do with cookies? I clear all/most cookies on exit from Firefox.

There are billions of them and one by one theyā€™re being converted.

Perhaps you should post a clear notice on the old forums that as of now theyā€™re shut down?

I often keep a forum page open on my PC and phone to refresh occasionally and it took me all day to realize nothing is moving at all. I wanted to reply to the euro local swap thread only to find out the reply buttons are gone and the thread is not migrated (nothingā€™s migratedā€¦).

It will take a while to find my way around here.