Free RateBeer Premium Membership through the month of October!

Yes please. Thank you.

Oh, go on then, I will take your kind offer, thank you.


Yes please!

I’d sure like one please @joet!
Thank you!

One year free. @sparta
Thank You!

Yes, please

@joet @services
Some people are asking when you will honour this offer. Is there a fixed date when this will be applied?


I just renewed mine in August. Would I be able to get an extension?

Hit me

If extensions are available I’d be happy to take one.

Yes please

Yes please

what about free memberships for anyone who adds more than 100 beers per year to the database?


We will have to make it 500. We have too much delay over UT…

1 Like

Yes plaese!

My Premium Membership still says I am only up to May 2021. Is the free ‘elongation’ going to happen?

Asking for everyone!



The offer is now over. Thanks all who participated! Everyone who made the request as specified has been gifted premium membership! Enjoy!

Cheers @joet.

My premium still says due 9th May though. Have I miss understood the offer?


Hi @joet my premium doesnt seem to have been activated either.

I don’t have it.