Good ticking: flights and flight prices

Some places serve both a splash and a 3 or 4 ounce taster that you pay for. This larger sample is as big or bigger than what most beer judges use and most people should be able to write a full review from it.

If a brewpub has 30 items on tap, most raters are not going to get a pint of each. Indicating a place will serve small pours that you can rate from can make or break whether a ticker goes there or not.


I donā€™t think Iā€™ve ever seen that, but I think it makes sense. Personally I always go for the ~4 ounce size. Enough for me to get a rating and to share with my wife if itā€™s something she likes.

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We already have this, along with a few other things like ā€œminors allowedā€. Except itā€™s seems they are now only visible of the place edit page. There are a few problems with adding new categories.

  1. How do you deal with all the places that are already in the database which donā€™t, of course, have the information?
  2. It really ought to be a Yes/No selection rather than a single check box. If the single check box is blank you have no way of knowing whether that means ā€œnoā€, ā€œdonā€™t knowā€ or ā€œcouldnā€™t be bothered to tick the boxā€.
  3. And, generally, these things are of limited use when you canā€™t search/filter on them. If, say, youā€™re going to a new city and want to know of places that are child-friendly you really want to be able to generate a list. Not have to look at each and every place individually - and, as the bar for adding a place is now pretty low, thereā€™ll be an ever-increasing number of them.

agree search would be great

but while i would never trust minor allowed as definiite yes or no. The more of this info we can try hold the better. I may not trust its always gonna be accurate but it weighs the dice in my favour when hitting places

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I was going to reply the same, this should be the rule for any ā€œflagā€ type of info (small pours, wifiā€¦).

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the filter option should be available both on the city list of places and on the maps


Would be amazingly powerfull on the Maps

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I think it still needs to be optional to leave blank. Perhaps yes / no / not sure. Thereā€™s plenty of times I add a place and have no idea if they have let kids in or proper glassware or wifi.

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thanks to those mentioning this.

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Sampler and taster get mixed back and forth around here. Typically anymore I just ask for a small taste if I am asking for a free swallow otherwise I just ask for a 4oz pour and those usually get me what Iā€™m asking for without much confusion

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Usually I only ask for a free taste if itā€™s at a beer store and they have a crowler station. Seldom at breweries unless they make you buy a set flight instead of individual pours and there is that 5th or 6th beer I want to try but not get another entire flight.

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Not sure is OK. At least thatā€™s not ambiguous. Just having a ā€œyesā€ checkbox leaves things entirely ambiguous where thatā€™s not ticked.


Would love to have the flights marker. As others have said, the tasters one isnā€™t particularly relevant in the UK but if it is elsewhere then fine.

A monetary price value would be useful initially but will quickly become out of date, so why not instead have something similar to certain other websites which have a marker of Ā£, Ā£Ā£, or Ā£Ā£Ā£ (you can use dollars if you must!) to denote how expensive a venue is compared to others in the area?

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I feel like ā€œtastersā€ in Canada can vary by which bar staff is working, I also donā€™t think itā€™s really a common thing here at non-beer geek bars. To be honest I personally never look at those parts of a listing. I more often read the reviews, and then click through to the place website. Samplers/Flights on a Yes/No basis would be nice. If there was an option to filter by ā€œsamplers yesā€ it would be helpful for people searching in larger cities. In places where there are only a handful of legit options itā€™s less of a factor.

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The Flight and Tasters yes/no options are ok, costs arenā€™t needed.

You should start first by making the Places edits available to users againā€¦ so we could adjust more important things like the Live Beer Menu page (and make it a bigger icon), the type of place, opening hoursā€¦