IMPORTANT! How to get back into the Forums with your old account - with pictures!

First off, obviously, go to the Log In page.

Don’t bother with entering your regular RB password, it won’t work. You need to reset it. It won’t affect your regular log in / password!

Select the “I forgot my password” option.

Now, you need to type in your old forums nickname or email - go with the nickname I guess:
Forum Log In 3

Check your inbox, it should arrive within a minute. Let’s assume it has. Follow the instructions in the email, set up a new password. Heck, it can be identical to your old/regular one if you don’t want to bother with remembering different PWs for your RB and RB Forums accounts. When you’re doing, go back to the log in screen and use your credentials. Ta-daaaah! You’re in! :smiley:

If you don’t get the email. Check your Spam box. Not there? Well, you may well have changed your RB email, which didn’t update for the Forums account. That’s a bummer. Contact about it if you don’t have access to your old email (just don’t bother the man unless you’ve followed all the above instructions step by step to no avail). If you do have access to your old email, check the old inbox as well and reset things that way. Not ideal but meh.


We are aware of at least two people who are unable to do this - because both had changed their RB emails after these new forums were introduced, meaning they weren’t updated in them (yay…), so their Forums accounts are linked to their old emails. We’ve directed them to Joe, who might be able to help them update that.

And sorry if the post above looks/sounds patronizing, it’s not meant to be - it’s made to be as clear as possible, it was triggered by good people of more than enough intelligence being confused by the process / reluctant to do it not to affect their regular site access, which nobody can blame them for, as this goes against all that we’re used to with forums login with this site (read: it’s separate and it works). And we all visit the site sometimes after having had a few which can impact comprehension negatively. :smiley:


RB is the last place I can use my 4 character password from 20+ years ago, so it was hard letting go of it for the forums. Hard decisions. I quit Yahoo when they made me change my password (like anyone in the world wants to access my RB or Yahoo) .


Cheers for the guide on how to get back on this side of the site. If I can follow the instructions anybody can!



Yeah, didn’t work for me. JoeT did some of his magic and finally got me back on. Thanks again Joe!


So, what you’re saying is that you followed the instructions at the bottom of the post and that helped? :smiley:

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Yep, I’m one of those.

Bumping this as we are sure to get traffic from people who haven’t been to the forums in a while and might be confused.

Pretty shitty to unpin this to be fair.


Fantastic to be able to finally log in after many months