IP Quintessence/MBCC — FT: Zenne b2, OGV14, Nath, Warpigs, etc.— ISO: BAA, BBT, BACSV, etc

Based in UK but attending both events

FT: As per title plus
Fou (this year and last)
St Lam
Iris (this year and last)
Hommage 16/17
A&G 15/16, 16/17, batch 21
Warpigs Smoldering Holes - all variants, eagle rare, bourbon vanilla, rum, aquavit etc.

Have multiples of most

ISO: As per title, plus calvados cake and maman

Also looking for LPK (have some HF to offer like madness and civilisation, twilight, bot, plus US stouts like Black Tuesday, See the stars, etc.)

Shoot me a message if you have any of my ISO and are looking for anything in particular and I can send you a full list