Milestone that are close but you won’t get on rate beer

Just a last few weeks thing. But is there a target/milestone that is close but not now gong to be reached on RB

For me it’s the first 1k region. It’s always been a close thing between Nottinghamshire and Greater London.

Nottinghamshire is only 20 beers away now. But as I’m stopping at the end of the year. :frowning:

The 2 Regions are closer on Brewver. Only 1 beer in it. But still about 180 to add from RB

Ticking all regions for Canada (1 away) England (2 away) Germany (2 away) Scotland (1 away) and US (3 away)

100 NFLD and Manitoba ratings, 50 PEI ratings.

The Canadian milestones are probably super doable if I was trading still. Will get the PEI next summer hopefully.

Close but not that close
10 Countries over 100 ratings

200 London place rates (199 currently). Rated my 100th Leicestershire place 2 weeks ago before the news hit.

Rating a place in every English county. Missing Devon, Cornwall and East Sussex. I notice that Brewver separates Bristol so if the stats are similar I may end up needing Gloucestershire as well.

Everything else I am happy with.

I have tried to rate a beer from every brewery in Ohio. I’ve been thwarted by new breweries in corners of Ohio, but the task has motivated me to go to new places and parts of my state I would never visit. In the past twenty years I’ve rated beers from 413 Ohio breweries, many of which have already closed. The Ohio admins have kept the data on Ohio current, and I don’t know of another single place that has the list I want.

I’ve been so used to just using Ratebeer I’m not sure that I will care so much about beer when it’s gone.



I’ve been so excited about getting to the 10K rated level. Won’t happen on RB.

I remember when I joined, 100 ratings was the mark for me!

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“I’ve been so used to just using Ratebeer I’m not sure that I will care so much about beer when it’s gone.”

Same here, I’ve thought about it not being so important any more.

11k :man_shrugging:t2: I’m a handful away but really can’t be bothered anymore.

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This is such a moving target. I did this in Ontario in 2018 and again in 2021 or so I had I had to set a “breweries open before Jan 1/Year” target otherwise it was pretty much impossible. It became a running joke that a brewery would open the week after I visited an area a five hour drive away! :smiley:

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mabel’s intention was to get to 100 and quit LOL Now she is approaching 14k and is back and forth with cybercat for top woman rater!


yea, my friend zebracakes was a big female rater, but she left after the AB acquisition.

25 years


I hear you there. Might actually be a blessing in disguise, honestly.

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Well, I was thinking about giving up after and if the RB site closes, but brewver is becoming more appealing to me.

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Missing 2 english regions (Devon and Isle of Wight). Upcoming beer trip to Isle of Wight and Portsmouth this May…but I guess my english map will not finish completely blue here.

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