New beer page test coming Tuesday, 20 March!

The “Add/Edit Tag” and “I Am Drinking This Now!” buttons are still missing. Please fix.


Ah yeah I didn’t spot that as I was using my own profile to give examples to joe. I’ll edit this into the list that I sent him so hopefully he will see it when working through the rest of it.

Just out of interest have you tried editing your profile and saving again to see if the letter ü then displays correctly? I remember joe talking about stuff like this being a database issue on the old forums which has since been fixed, and that the display of diacritics in other places was a sort of separate issue. It’s hard to explain because it was never explained properly to us in the first place, probably worth a try though.

@joet - is there way you can ensure that I only get the old pages.

I absolutely do not want infinite scroll. When deciding what beers to buy in a shop, I want to look at the bottom reviewers say about it, not the fanbois at the top. With the old pages, you could sort by score, and then go to the last-ish page (buggy as fuck of course, but at least you can edit the URL to find the real lowest scores). With infinite scroll, I’d have to swipe, and swipe, and swipe, and swipe, and swipe, and swipe, and swipe, and swipe, and swipe, and swipe, and swipe, and swipe, and swipe, and swipe, and I’m still currently only at the ~100th rating, and there are 1000 on this puppy…

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I try that weekly. And I tried it yesterday before posting that my profile still doesn’t work. A few months ago, it worked for a couple of days, but then was broken again.

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Of course, I meant “swipe, wait for spinner, swipe, wait for spinner, swipe, wait for spinner, swipe, wait for spinner, swipe …”

It’s fucking obnoxious.

I dare you - see how long it takes you to get to the bottom of the guinness list over a dodgy wifi connection.

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same here…it does take forever to scroll with all the loading… at least searching beers via brewery search is still working fine.

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Image is now on that beer, not the one i emailed off, but one thats slightly out of focus and also appears on untapped.

Pretty poor looking updated pic, if you ask me.

I really dont like that I get everything shown in German now. I know that this topic is already adressed in another topic. But please fix this grammatical Typo:

Not: Über diesen Bier

Correct: Über dieses Bier

Second complaint:

That sideways scrollbar ist just a terrible layout and in my case not even necessary.

3rd complaint:

And this one really sucks: in the category “Neueste”, so “Newest” I can only see German ratings. Why? I wanna read especially opinions from persons from other countries. And term newest is just wrong if it only shows the newest in my language. Please fix this! @joet @services

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Agreed, same happens in Dutch. Also a silly grammar typo, and i also see local raters first.

The general feel for me, is that all the upgraded pages are trying to be smart. Search, tries to be smart by predicting typos. Beer page, tries to be smart by automatically selecting a language I dont want. Beer page again, trying to be smart and showing local raters first, but thats where we have the my friends tab for.

Stop trying to be smart. Like many others say: give users the possibility to use the site by their own preferences


Thanks for this!

I noticed something along the lines of this as well: Under Most Recent, the first two ratings were from people I follow or have interacted with (both 8 months ago). Then there was mine (2 days ago), then there two from 5 months ago, then 6 months, 7 months…
I don’t know how this is filtered - but it’s definitely not the Most Recent ratings.

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I really dislike it when making a website smart means users have less control.


I’m a bit late in the discussion, but didn’t see this discussed before: PLEASE DON’T ELIMINATE THE REAL AVERAGE SCORE! For me this is one of the most important scores on the whole site. For smaller countries like mine, where many beers have far less than 40+ ratings, it’s completely useless to only see the weighted average. This is a MAJOR step backwards and really frustrating!!


This! Real avg is the first and often the only score I look at!


Also, please get rid of ‘the slider that automatically registers a rating if you happen to touch it’! Swiping on a mobile device it’s way too easy to register a score this way.

I want to confirm anything I enter, and only when I say it’s ok, and not having to track whatever the site thinks I’m doing and then having to find a way to undo it.

Please let me be in control of my own ratings!


Bleeding Nora. I’ve got the new screen back
Average score is on there though.

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I’ve already raised this in a feedback thread on the admin forum. The weighted average may combat manipulation of the scoring system - and quite rightly so - but, as you say, it’s rather useless for beers that don’t reach critical mass in number of ratings. Ditching the mean score completely seems like throwing out the baby with the bathwater in the name of “reducing clutter”.


This 100%.

It’s not just a problem for small countries but small breweries in general, no matter what country they are in. I just looked at a local microbrewery here in the UK, who despite their small size are considered one of the top “fuss” beer producers right now, yet of their last 20 releases just two have more than 10 ratings, and only two beers they’ve ever released in their history have reached 40+. It’s of course even worse for many more breweries, especially so for those in smaller countries.

The weighted average, although useful against score manipulation, is an arguably disingenuous average to display on such beers.

Also related to this I think that, ideally, every ranking/stats table should have an option to switch between weighted and mean averages.