New feed: first glimpse

I like the colours for every category, place ratings, locally available etc, only the grey for friend->beer rating I find a bit dull. Maybe change to a light green one? @joet

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This is exactly what I get as well

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After saving it’s resolved, but I don’t know how I scored 60 thousand plus points to become a Master.

I have to save my information everytime to see my results.

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An “l” has gone missing in following


Hmmm, something is off with the counts:

Whereas if you go to , he has only logged 14 ratings today. If it is indeed “52 ratings”, it would count all ratings going back to September 8th. I assume this is not intentional?

@joet ?

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yes, it goes back two weeks right now, i’ll either provide the date span or adjust based on visitation frequency

Thanks! The fix will roll out in the next update.

2 posts were merged into an existing topic: Release: First version of new Activity Feed

Woops… posted this in the old thread. Will delete and post in joets new one.

Where do I find this feed page?

Never mind.

Looks like it’s been fixed.