New search

Didn’t have the time yet to read through the thread… my first comment is about the waste of space.
My laptop has a relatively small screen (very common for company laptops here, I guess the same applies to mobile browser), I see only 4 results on a page :open_mouth:
Why do we need all those white prairies?!?!


yeah I had the same issue. it’s a cookie thing. it’ll shake out the same for everyone…


Did a search, miraculously it yielded the right beer, but when I clicked on it it took me to slme ‘beer reference’ page.

Found I’d been logged out. Still a mess

which beer?

I logged out and now I can’t even log back in on my PC. Only my phone.

I take that back. After clearing all my cookies it works again.

Stone IPA…
Well that works fine.

Totally disagree here. We had a good thing going with the search. Why fucking change it? So it gets better? Yes, but it isn’t. It’s less easy to use than it was. Fucking sucks man.


So here’s my frustration -unless this has been fixed already-:

“Van Moll Doerak” was what I was looking for in partial search–》 no results

“Oll erak” --》 4 results but not the beer I’m looking for. How is this better than what we had?

A lot of people have already spoken about “dumbing down the site” and if you ask me, if you really can’t figure out that maybe, perhaps, it could actually be possible that “Stone IPA” would in fact turn up in your search when you’d type “stone India”, what the fuck are you drinking beer for anyway!?

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Fuck the new forums as well. And fuck my own incapacity to deal with new technology. No clue how the same picture ended up there, but no doubt my fault. Here’s the correct one:

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Fucking frustrating

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Worst argument ever Bill

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Suarez Domain 1

You’re argument relies on using the search terms “oll erak” to search for a beer called “Van Moll Doerak”. Why would you search it that way? I searched for “Van Mol D” and it came up as the 3rd result.

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I’ll add. Under the old search function you literally could not find Stone IPA. If you searches for Stone IPA it pulled up 100 alphabetical results, none of which was Stone IPA. Now it’s the first hit when you search “Stone IPA.” How is this not an improvement?


Am I the only one on a pc that’s being prompted to log in (in the upper right corner) every time I do a search, even though I’m already logged in?
If I click on one of the beer results, I then appear to be logged in (still/again).
It’d also be nice to see what you’ve rated and not on the search result page. Why get rid of something that basic?


it happened to me a few times in the past; with foreign unfamiliar languages, I may remember only a portion of the word, and not know how to spell another portion

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So, just to stress, if you misspell a name it will now come up.

Instead of just complaining, maybe you guys can try this for a week or so. I don’t know how to spell Westvleteren either, but I bet my misspelling will bring up the beer I’m looking for.

If you run into specific cases where you’re having trouble pulling up a beer with search terms that you think should be working, post it here and tag @joet @wyattm and @services. This doesn’t mean “I entered in ‘llf ee er’ and ‘Bullfrog Beekeeper’ didn’t come up.”

Be smart and search smart. You know how the search works now, so go and try to use it. I’ve had literally zero issues pulling up beers so far.


Happens a lot to me with tastings or festivals where someone just tells me the beer name
So im entering the bits i understood

And definitely happened a few times where i could only read part worda written on a chalk board.