New style list polls - one last list! all the stuff I forgot to put on the other ones, sorry

Inspired by the discussion about a new style list input is needed on topics.

This should be the last beer related set of polls… A fairly mixed list of stuff I was supposed to put in other big lists but forgot.

Add Saison - Flavoured / Fruited (name negotiable) for saisons with stuff added.

  • Yes
  • Yes but only fruited
  • No

0 voters

Add Belgian Red / Amber.

  • Yes
  • No

0 voters

Merge Irish Red Ale into Amber Ale and rename that combined style Amber / Red Ale

  • Yes
  • Yes but leave it called Amber Ale
  • No

0 voters

Many big-name Irish red ales are indistinguishable from boring bitters. I saw a blind tasting write-up on some beer blog where they took the obvious candidates, sampled them, scribbled some notes, and then tried to guess which side of the sea they came from. Accuracy was no better than coinflip. I have no idea how skillful they were as tasters, but if they cared enough to do a properly blinded experiment they were no idiots.