Next Tasting 1June?

I could host on Saturday the 18th if folks are around. Let me know.

Literally getting hitched that day in Cartagena. Be back in town June 2nd

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Given SAVOR is the night before, is this just too much? Does 1June work better?

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I can’t make May 18 but could swing June 1

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I can host if that works for people.

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Works for me.

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June 1 I can do. For the record, ordering a Coca Pale ale in Cartagena right now

@Iphonephan 1June?

Damn. I committed to camping with my granddaughter on a school outing that day.

Low odds, but I will see what I can do. Right now, given my calendar the only Saturdays free are May 25 and possibly May 18

I think I can do June 1st, I’ll double check with my wife.

May 18th would be a tough one for me, and I’ll probably be out of town on Memorial Day weekend. @Iphonephan, if you plan on hitting up any breweries in the area, let me know!

We aren’t getting on the road to VA until the 16th. Might be back on the 20th. As for the June 1, that’s a dilemma. It will all depend on how much my granddaughter is looking forward to have me at the camping trip.

I get back on the 27th and then should be free. June 1 fine for my side

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Waiting on @Iphonephan to disappoint his granddaughter…

I have a cycle stout @Iphonephan

And I wish the cocaine pale ale I had on tap last was in bottles because that would be a helluva draw. But I can grab Duff beer and Luxembourg possibly. If anyone wants speak up.

Do we have quorum?

Not looking good for June 1. Cross your fingers for rain. Will hang on to to TG stouts until? I have a great story to tell about those beers. Maybe a more limited prime tasting mid week? Or…?

Could people swing Friday the 31st? 6pm? Is DC too far for folks at that time?