
Good to know. Want to visit Musa later this year. Are they still in the area around Dois Corvos?

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There is a very good beer store in A Coruna: https://www.ratebeer.com/p/la-canalla-gourmet-a-coruna/86133/



Ya itā€™s still walking distance just a little farther. Say like 10 minutes walk or so. And lince is between them, though Iā€™d advise against unless well, nevermind. A tickerā€™s gotta tickā€¦

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Good find.

Glad you liked it.

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Other Lisbon Beer Dept. Beers have been added as a collaboration between Dois Corvos / Bolina / Lince and Musa.



Both I have tried were brewed at Dois Corvos but Im not sure about the one you tried. Sorry abou that.


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Cheers, I just put it as 2 Corvos for now. Can always change later if new shit comes to light