Puzzling statistics

Could you please explain how does the following two statistics work; I’m sure they were explained in the past but I cannot figure them out:

  1. Top Distribution Contributors
  2. Top mayors

I’d be interested in this. About a year ago I was in the top 25 of distribution contributors. Now I’m nowhere to be seen, but I still rate and add distribution as before. I think there is something amiss. But then we are talking Ratebeer…

For mayor I believe you get a maximum of 1 point per place per day, no matter how many beers’ availability you add to it.
For distribution I believe it’s literally the number of beers you’ve added availability info for (1 point per beer, even if added to multiple places).

I don’t pay any attention to mayorships but I do find it kinda funny because I’ve become mayor of a few bottle shops simply because I’ve rated one haul over a long period of time. So let’s say I bought 15 beers from a shop, drank/rated 1 a night (at which point I also select the place when adding availability info), this means I get 15 points over 15 days despite only using the shop once. A totally undeserved achievement when someone else could spend one day adding 100 beers and only get 1 point. Ratebeer logic.

Mayorships should work differently for bottleshops (versus bar and brewpubs and restaurants etc.) due to the nature of how we use them. I don’t know how though.

You are correct about the Mayor stat for a place, it is increased each day you add distribution data per place, so like yourself I work through a stash slowly, which makes me more likely to be a Mayor for somewhere I only visit once, which is odd really, not something I take much notice of.

The Distribution Contributor may be broken I reckon as I know I have put in distribution for at least 5,000 beers and I am showing around 1,500 in the chart. I have noticed that many places do not have beers showing from over a year or so ago, particularly where they get a lot of distribution inputs, so perhaps the clear outs reduce your distribution count, unfairly.

Im not sure, but it could be there was something changed in the distribution/availability info. We talked about removing the availability info after a year or so (I remember @chriso among others suggested this?), because what is available now probably isnt there after a couple of months already. I dont know if this was implemented yet, but it could explain why the distribution contributors have lower numbers, when removing availability also removes distribution input?

Not everyone rates live so it’s not just a bottleshop v bar thing. Ratings & availability info from a single visit to a venue of any sort may be quite legitimately drip fed in over a period of time - without being directed towards mayorship farming.

Of course, there’s an (unresolved) debate over how much value historic availability information has - and any other information for that matter - but, as long as people get prompted to add availability every time they enter a rating, some are going to do so, no matter how old it is.

If I were starting RateBeer from scratch I’d have different fields for “date drunk” (and “date visited” for places) and “date rated”. Not being able to work on the basis of when someone actually had the beer has all sorts of adverse impacts.

I think the data drops off after 1 year. It’s certainly timebound

My distribution data was down by about 200 on the new year’s day, that’s why I am puzzled. Does it use the last 365 days’ data or bound by the calendar year (1 jan to 31 Dec) ?

Mayorships are even more puzzling since my points total in my profile is 216 which should put me in top 20 among mayors.