Question to Admins: Mead spritzers

Is this something we should add to the database?

“There are three flavors, each based on a wildflower mead base fermented with the New Day house yeast.”

If we tolerate beer with infused flavors, we should tolerate this. Unless “infused” is a requirement, and these drinks are simply “flavor added”. Time to contact the mead brewers?

For Radler we have the 50/50 rule or isnt this done anymore? So this is basically the same or? If 50% of the spritzer are amde of what we allow as mead, this should be fine, but we would need a new style.

Seems like it’s just diluted mead so it should be eligible? I guess the argument against including it would presumably be along the same lines as the “alcopops” vs ciders discussion? They seem likely to be silly / terrible…