QuickBeer for Android updates/feedback thread

Continuation from the old forums. As a quick recap, QuickBeer is an alternative app for RateBeer.

A small update 3.2.543 is just rolling out:

  • Adds missing India Style Lager beer style
  • Fix for opening beer links that were shared from the app

As always, feedback is welcome! :beers:

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A bug slipped in to the last release, preventing the own ratings view from working. Version 3.2.544 is out now to fix this. Sorry for the inconvenience!

Version 3.2.561 is just out. There are lots of tweaks under the hood, but (hopefully) the only user-visible changes are updated lists for beer styles and countries.

Let me know if there are any issues with the update!

QuickBeer 3.2.614 was just published! :beer:

Notable changes:

  • Support for the recent big styles update
  • Automatic updating of cached content
  • Small improvements to the search field behaviour