RATINGS = REVIEWS + TICKS, Website vs Android App

Could it be possible to apply the same “Tick” mechanic used on the Android App on the RB website? I use the App to make “Expert Ticks” (an A-A-T-P-O without the minimum characters) but there’s no way to see them on the website, I can only the see the old 5-stars tick system…
IMO It would be better to implement the same Tick system on both platforms…

In the beer Listings, the TICKED BY folder isn’t useful anymore since it is linked to the old tick system. I suggest to replace it by a RECENT TICKS folder where you could see the new Ticks similar to the MOST RECENT (which could be renamed RECENT REVIEWS).

In our personal MY BEER RATINGS page profile, could it be possible to include 3 squares (on top) with the equivalent search folders for the 1.RATINGS (which include reviews + ticks), 2.REVIEWS and 3.TICKS because right now, it’s possible to search in our entire Ratings list or Ticks only but not Reviews Only


Thanks for the great feedback. A lot to chew on here.

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Why not throw place ratings into the overall “score” as well. It’s almost as vital to the site as beer ratings…