REQUEST Beer Search Results possible Improvements

Line 1: Beer Name

Line 2: Replace the number of ratings (irrelevant on the beer search result) for Beer Style (aligned left) Region (aligned right)

**Line 3:Brewer (aligned left), My Rating (aligned right)

Picture: Use the Brewer logo for the Beer Search Results instead the too tiny irrelevant beer pic (that should be used for the beer page only, when it’s full sized)

For Mobile-width format, you could cut the Brewer (since it’s often in the name), reduce the location to region(state)/country only (and switch it to line 3 in the process) and finally crop “My Rating” to numbers only (instead of those 5 worthless circles + score) or even better, simply put the rating score under the global score Circle.


Instead of



I like your proposal, but I’d still like to see the number of ratings because usually I’ll be drinking the one with most ratings among the top search results. Maybe

India Pale Ale with 41 Ratings

or so?


Just switch the Sort By to “Most Ratings” instead of the “Closest Match”…it is exactly why it is for… by if this doesn’t make the search too crowded, why not, more infos is just better.