Rules Beer Pictures

Maybe? I mean it’s just as good as using the official clip image or can/bottle render in my opinion. Assuming you’re taking it directly from your phone/camera it’s going to be good quality and any text or identifying marks will be legible.

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I’ve found online clips are often copyrighted so I gave up on that years ago. Shrugs.

Actually, it’s not broken. I’ve recently replaced pics both through the regular beer page upload link as through the admin page link.

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I’m a pic stickler as well. Whenever I’m browsing the site and come across even a beer I don’t like represented by a bad pic, I’ll try to add a better one. It just makes the site look good!


Interesting, I’ll give it another go now, as a non-admin of course, and see if this time tomorrow it’s replaced. But I know an admin tried for me a few months ago and it didn’t work. At best it seems it’s intermittent.

EDIT: Ah ha! I think I see where the problem is now. The original size picture and the tiny thumbnail (shown on search result pages) DOES get replaced by the new image. However the medium size thumbnail (shown on the beer page, so the most important) DOES NOT.


Is that because the search is a new page and the beer is an old one. I’ve uploaded pics that show on search and beer page on my Mac (new pages) but not on my phone with old style beer pages.

Yeah I messed that up actually, we’re both partially correct, I think. This is getting really confusing. With the replacement image I just uploaded I’ve found the following happens:

Successfully replaced:

  • original size image
  • new “phoenixbeer” page image


  • old beer page image
  • search results thumbnail image

But then you say you saw yours on the new search, so that’s weird.

Anyway the problem seems to be that once the thumbnails are generated for the first time, they never get refreshed even when a new image is uploaded over the old one. The reason why thumbnails are showing as updated on the new beer pages is because they’re a different size to the old ones so they all got regenerated when people first visited the page. Hope that makes sense, more importantly hopefully @joet can make sense of this.

TL;DR please let beer thumbnail images be regenerated when a new image is uploaded. I believe that would fix all these issues.

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I believe this problem is the result of image caching. It just takes a while for the server images to propagate.

Thank you!

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Clearing cookies should help.

Why? Cookies have no effect on that. I presume you meant cache?
That doesn’t help either though. The caching issue is with the Ratebeer servers, not our own computers.

Not sure if it’s cache or cookies, I’m no IT expert, but when I look on a different device, I do see a recently added pic, not on the device I added it with.

Ok who is uploading the tiny thumbnail images from Untappd? This is getting really annoying now. They are completely illegible. Please stop. Get the full size image and upload that.
We could really do with minimum size limits put in place to prevent this, at least until the caching issue is resolved.

@joet how long exactly should the cached images take to propagate? It’s been over 12 hours since I tested (multiple machines and browsers) and I’m still seeing that certain sizes do not get updated, most important being the actual beer page one that everyone sees.

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OK…I uploaded every new brewer’s logo for the Quebec Breweries…but the pics showing are different depending on what platform I use.

The RB Android App shows almost 95-100% updated pics in search and in the brewer’s page.

The RB website (with Chrome 64 and Firefox 64) shows a mix of older and new picture with a 50% ratio in search and it’s even worse in the brewer’s page (not showing at all or old picture still loaded)…

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It would be nice to have the number of pics one has added to RB on one’s profile. That goes for number of breweries and beers as well. Unless they’re there and I’m not seeing them.


Yeah this would be some nice information to see.

I don’t know if it’s true, but a couple of years back I read somewhere on the old forums that whenever an admin made an edit to a beer, they basically took “ownership” of it, meaning in the database it would look as if that admin had added the beer rather than the user who really added it. Because it only saved the user who last edited the beer, which is weird.

Of course, because the admins end up making so many little edits here and there over time, it meant that almost every single beer in the database was “added” by an admin. For example if you look at this stats page: you’ll notice that the column says “edits” now while the title still says “entered”. And if you total all these up I believe you get a greater number than there are beers in the database. This leads me to believe that the above is true and that RB has no idea who added what beer. Perhaps an admin can shed some light on whether this is really the case? Regardless, I’d still like to know what my number is.

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It is not, and has never been. I can see who entered beers from 2001 even though they’ve been edited multiple times.


Good, I’m probably misremembering that whole thing. In that case I definitely second what Bitterbill said.

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I can’t seem to upload pictures any more. Oh well there are so many issues with this site now I am giving up. The web browser now forces me to use the app and when I click on a beer in the browser it’s the wrong beer on the Mobil app. How hard is it to fix shit.


Yeah I don’t like to bitch & moan but this pic shit really has my boxers in a bunch.

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