Site copy translation requests

Because the community is often best at translations, we’re asking for volunteers to translate English to each of these languages

  • German
  • Spanish
  • French
  • Italian
  • Dutch
  • Polish
  • Portugese
  • Swedish

Right now, we’re looking to translate our glassware descriptions. We are offering gift cards for your translation help. Please send me a message or reply if you can help.

I can do German, no problem.

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I can do Dutch if you’d like.

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If any more German help is needed I am in.

I can help with Swedish

If more help is needed with Dutch I can help out as well

Let me know how I can help with French!

Since all those bugs we keep reporting are fixed, we can now focus on translating the glassware description pages.


Thanks for noticing! Because there’s much to do, we do many things at once. We deliver dozens of site updates weekly. A few bugs take a few cycles however we’ve been delivering bug fixes for things that have been reported in the forums regularly and often very quickly.

Started a bit, will keep going later on, but please if you have a minute check to see if this covers what you are after.


Thanks! Will do so now.

Yes, that’s perfect.

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