What makes Untappd better than RateBeer currently

I’ve never exactly said that. There are two different points of view and way to explore. The goal is for everyone to be happy. I’m still not on FB (I’ve never understood the interest - at 40 - (and it’s my own problem)) but I don’t feel “superior” to FB users (and I would be in huge loneliness if so). If you read the purpose of my request here : REQUEST Finding users by affinity, you’ll probably understand what I mean. I think RB could (could, because it’s too slowly improving) implement that, but not UT, in order to go further in the exploration of beers. A fan of Balzac isn’t necessarily superior to a fan of Rowling. There are two different points of view and way to explore (bis). But who is interested in Balzac? Probably not Rowling fans (for the majority). (Fetched example…)