What makes Untappd better than RateBeer currently

Well imagine if you could have lists marked as “for sharing” or “for trade”. Those could be matched with wish lists by people nearby. Or lists by people form area you’re traveling to. They could make tasting lists which could be modified by group of people i.e. tasting group. You could let your tasting buddies pick beers from your “for sharing” list.

There are so many possibilities here. It’s just matter of direction you want to take.

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You’re a Mexican Cerveza?

Saw some quality keyboard droppings on a couple of beers as I was panning down 120+ pages of infinite scroll in order to see the lowest ratings, and noticed that those users have a habit of spewing line noise into their reviews. So if someone’s nuking, I think here are a couple of good candidates:


I went on UT and picked (quite at random) the Mikkeller Spontanquadrupleraspberry page, to comfort me in the idea that UT is of no use to me in the appreciation of a beer.

Cool. And on Ratebeer, the beer name is misspelled, it has an incorrect ABV, no description, and no pictures. We don’t know how it is served, and we don’t know where it was brewed. And that’s for a top 50 beer.


But I rather have a smaller database that is correct than a huge database full of errors and duplicates and what not.

Except it’s not correct, which julesxxl’s example readily points out.

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That’s almost right… and that’s a pity… On Mikkeller’s page : https://shop.mikkeller.dk/products/quadpenta-bundle : 9,9%, as you say (and incorrect on RB), a description on UT (and none on RB), but two misspelled names: Spontanquadrupleraspberry on UT, SpontanQuadruppelRaspberry on RB and SpontanQuadrupelRaspberry for the truth (but that’s minor).

UT better? Is it because we assume they are not influenced by any deep state macro beer conglomeration?

Less wrong then if that’s what you want to hear

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Problem is, many beers are often entered in the database quickly and incomplete. We admins are the only one who can modify them further and we are just not enough to keep up.

It was suggested in the past to grant admins the power to select regional powerusers (mini-admins) who would have access to local beer / tags / place editing…


Shouldn’t someone correct the Mikkeller entry?

That’s almost right… and that’s a pity… On Mikkeller’s page : https://shop.mikkeller.dk/products/quadpenta-bundle : 9,9%, as you say (and incorrect on RB), a description on UT (and none on RB), but two misspelled names: Spontanquadrupleraspberry on UT, SpontanQuadruppelRaspberry on RB and SpontanQuadrupelRaspberry for the truth (but that’s minor).

On the pictures of the bottle on Untappd, it’s spelled the UT way: Spontanquadrupleraspberry. I think it’s actually misspelled on Mikeller’s website.

I feel like a lot of the criticism of untappd can be summarized with “look at those fools, with their shiny badges, but no vocabulary to actually grasp what they’re drinking”. The tone, often but of course not all the time, can be quite condescending and I find that very annoying as well if I may say so.

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How does one become a “power user”? I’ve heard this term used a lot, but no one has ever actually explained it.

Still true … If we can no longer trust the competent authorities… :dizzy_face: On the single beer page:

I just fixed the spelling on UT of “Spontanquadrupel” in both fruit variants, thanks for the tip.

PS. Both RB and UT have teams of moderators who will (usually!) respond to corrections from users.

When it comes down to it, RB & UT both have their uses. Some users will prefer one over the other, some will use them in parallel.

Apart from that term - I actually think that this would be the way to go. I mean, even UTs change-feature is more intuitive than what we have, it feels more like a moderated wiki. Which I feel is what a site like this should have and feel like. The users who are here and actively participating do care about the DB, but any outsourcing of error correction was rejected by way of saying it would hurt the integrity of the data.

By power user, I just mean a normal user with very limited admin rights, granted by admins to help them.

Is that not a legitimate criticism? No notes, and every beer is good.


No, its a generalization, anecdotal AND it applies the criteria of this place to another.

Don’t get me wrong. You can have a legit argument for each site. But not by saying “Not as good as RB because it’s not RB”.

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