What makes Untappd better than RateBeer currently

Did he ever have an all time high in ratings?

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I don’t even know if he rates beers, if that’s what you’re referring to.

My guess is he means an all time high in “ratings / site traffic” or whatever it’s called officially

No, I am reffering to a statement from joet saying the website has an all time high in visits and ratings, in spite of all the complaints from long time users about the continuous bugs and broken pages.

Bugs and broken pages on Untappd? I can’t say that I have come across one.

trolling much?

Ahh. I wouldn’t be surprised. I rarely rate a beer that doesn’t have 100 plus already there, except some Wyoming beers.

Just going by my personal experience, Mister.

Let me rephrase.

No, I am reffering to a statement from joet saying ratebeer.com has an all time high in visits and ratings, in spite of all the complaints from long time users about the continuous bugs and broken pages of ratebeer.com

Make it even simpler. Untappd CEO says he’s number one priority is listen to the users, ratebeer’s owners keep ignoring users and their feedback about changes by stating that traffic is at all time high since all the changes they made.


I’ll argue with what Joe said but what you are saying is undeniable fact.

Is that because just to load a simple beer’s page takes more requests to the server than it used to?


that would be hilarious, now wouldn’t it :rofl:

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These are the famous all-time high posts, from March and May, respectively.


Thoroughly backed by statistics.


Being able to log in from a mobile device !!!

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So ratebeer had been mostly nosediving over the last 2 years, at least as measured by the abstract thing of “rank”, which doesn’t represent actual numbers of visits. It would be interesting to know what the bounce corresponded to - launch of the app or something? Whatever it was, it didn’t stay pointing upwards for long. However, the graph for untappd.com shows a slow and steady improvement in rank, so clearly the rest of the world isn’t doing anything bizarre that would affect RB’s rank, and therefore RB’s nosedive is (a) a property of RB and its usefulness; and (b) clearly non-existent, as @joet says so.

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Still, tho without checking Untapped, we are the best for Pokemon Go eggs hunting / trading.

7.5% of visitors appear to come from China. Our Chinese database must absolutely be thriving!


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Here’s Bertie the French / English Bulldog waiting patiently to log into Ratebeer.


Flo, the experienced choccy lab in the background, moved to Untaped years ago !