Ya I’m on chrome on laptop
Cannot login on iPhone. Everything’s accessible on desktop with Fire Fox or so it seems, I can rate a beer anyway. I miss being able to rate on my phone.
Haven’t been able to check into places on my phone either. And probably a ton of other shit as well!!
I can’t log in on my phone now. Every time I try, it takes me back to the home page as someone not logged in. @joet , this site is even less useable now.
EDIT: found the workaround. Still ridiculous that this is how one has to log in now.
Chrome on Android phone asks me to log-in again, but I seem to have full access. No problems with Firefox on laptop once I went in through the vintage bead curtain.
All good in Shropshire, no problems here!
Is this the end? I always thought it would be a slow die off as people left. But if suddenly none of us could log in, that would pretty much be a cold turkey death for RB. But if coding is the problem and RB has no coders… Well ya.
Yeah, slow death. Nobody saying anything about it. At least the ones who count.
Joe said somewhere he was trying to figure it out but didn’t know the coding well enough
I mean im complaining but it just about works for me. Like a cat with three legs i am continuing to hobble on…
Here’s what joet said. 17 days ago. It’s not encouraging. Back up your ratings folks. But after the initial problem logging in I’m not having further difficulties (Win 10, Firefox). The forums say I’m not logged in but I can comment as normal.
So, like no ABI give a flyin fook now either I guess? Pretty bad when they think we suck and aren’t worth their time.
Stupid question. How do we back up our ratings? There used to be a link to download them but it doesn’t seem to be around anymore…
Are you premium? If not, joet has been giving/ allowing free premium for a while. The link to compile ratings is on your profile page. You can either hold onto the .csv files (a text file readable by any spreadsheet programme) or plan to upload them to somewhere like Brewver if this place stops working.
Thanks. I’ve seen that before but assumed it was gone. I’ll try it when i have access to a laptop.
Not to tell tales out of school, but I’m quite sure this site is done very soon
Probably just forgot about it, haha.
I still can’t login to the forums but somehow emailing the forums still works. I do now have access to the code and someone who specializes in these technologies has been working on the issues. I’m having them update everything so that we’re less likely to run into a problem anytime soon.