Where ya goin?

I’m still hangin ten. I have my ratings filed away so I guess I have time. Looks like most are going to Brewver. sooo, where ya goin to ,RateBeer?

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BeerAdvocate - owned by Untappd owners Next Glass - no clear way to import ratings, only ever heard questionable things about certain people behind it, future of the site as uncertain as RB was

Untappd - it is what it is, an easy quick way to log in rates in a social way that connects with casual craft drinking beer folk I know - good back-up

Brewver - the only real choice - trust the people behind it, hearts in the right place, independent, a good team of admin, lots of ideas to push it forward, stats are excellent, forums… I’m with Brewver


I’m in beerpal, UT & brewver.

Brewver seems to be most like the ol’ RB, but having hiccups with it once in a while.
I presume its because of the sudden uptick in membership.

Also, brewver just started the new forum format, not bad.

Just hoping I’ll eventually get most of previous ratings in.


I’ll be going to Brewver as it’s most like RB and is easy to import rates and has good stats (albeit not as good stats as RB yet)… and because that’s where most other Ratebeerians seem to be going. Seems to be a site with a determination to be as good as possible for users and open to feedback, so I have high hopes for it.

Hate that low-grade yellow site (UT) and its stupid badges, only use it for checking tap lists.

Didn’t like BA as much as RB when I first started looking into rating sites, and have only heard bad things about it since.

Anyone know what happened to the old Oxford Bottled Beer Database? I briefly used that 15+ years ago before realising RB was much better.




It looks like Brewver for me, too.


I am surprised that BeerPal is still holding on. I check into it every once in a blue moon. Forums are even quieter than here.

I am fairly certain that BA is fine nowadays. All that drama seems to be in the past. They definitely have the most active forums. I would be happy to try them out, I wonder if I can get my old account back (I was kicked off for a poor reason).

Brewver is the best place for ratings, I’ll have to check out the new forum. I already entered my ratings when ABInBev first bought the place, so I just need to update.

I was also part of a site called TheBeerSpot, which also recently shuttered. They took their leftover user base and moved it to Discord. I am still part of that but its not rating and Discord type forums are way worse than old school internet forums.

I’ll be somewhere. Perhaps I can drop the “2k” from my name and stop dating myself.


I have completely moved to Brewver, seemed the only choice for me having left BA under a cloud some years ago.



ill likely head to Brewver but ill wait until this is truely gone.

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I’m going to where it’s fun. Ratebeer is #1 there though.

Beerpal is fun
I dig Brewver
Untaped is . . . . whatever
BeerAdvocate sucks. I should prolly delete my account at some point.

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I used my export to build personal dashboards in Power BI. It’s still a work in progress, but it’s fun building out new stats.


How ya been, Eric?

Curiously there are still people adding beers to ratebeer!


die hards! they’re going to do it till the fricken wheels fly off! (so I’ve been told)


Trying out Brewver, upload is down right now so I can’t upload my ratings & on Utapped.
Same name: Sledutah, although I’m not in Utah anymore. Couldn’t update it on RB! One of the many things that hasn’t worked in years.


Doing well Bert! How about yourself?

Also, I’ll be adding and rating anything new I have, until I can’t anymore.


I’m doing well buddy! Your dedication knows no bounds my friend! :beers:

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Please give Brewver a chance. Just know there is an awful lot of work to be done on the US side (but Europe is in great shape with great admins) and your import will not include ABV or IBUs and those will need to be added manually. One advantage is anyone can update beers and breweries. There will also be a lot of clean up that will be needed with all the downloads so don’t be overly concerned about beers listed twice early on (initial downloads from RB and Untappd are listed separately until they can be merged). Brewver continues to be an evolving site with very responsive leadership, and I think there are great things coming, especially now many of us RateBeer refugees are moving over.


I just imported my oldest 89 ratings to brewver, it took about 12 hours. I started manually copy and pasting my stuff on untappd and that has gone… very slowly, lol. The Brewview upload feature hasn’t been available since those first 89, probably busy with all the uploads right now. Ill keep checking back. 21K ratings to upload so…

Hopefully I can get my place ratings somehow, though that seems less and less likely by the day.


Ok looks like FatPhil got a lot of place ratings backed up, in case people didn’t see:

Backups of RB Place Ratings