1/2 year 2018 beer goals check?!

And I didn’t set any targets this year other than get to 10 ratings in all styles which I managed last month … the last, and oustanding two having dealt with polotmavy last year, being Sahti and Lambic Faro (had my 11th at A la Becasse in Brussels yesterday !)


I didn’t post in that thread but I had some goals. Unfortunately, I haven’t really kept to them.

  • Drink less - not really committed to this, but from my RB stats, it’s possible I’m on track
  • Drink lower ABV - sours and sessions - I had more sours and sessions last year, so almost definitely not on track.
  • Count units - haven’t counted a single unit.
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  • 90 countries - never really focused on countries but now it is one of my main Goals. Currently at 72. Maybe 10 should be quite easy to obtain but for the rest I Need to travel or trade.
    -> currently at 89, two in line, lets see if I make it to 100 till end of the year

  • 2750 Ratings - I wanna slow down my pace so this seems fine for me. Currently 2016.
    -> yeah this didnt really work out, too many festivals and travels, at 2734 already, I will pace down but probably gonna hit 3000 anyway.

  • 10 Ratings in each Region in Germany - currently at 9 from 16.
    -> at 11 from 16, doable but I need to do some splitted online orders, not really focused on that

  • 80 regions - currently at 66.
    -> 75 at the moment thanks to an online order from UK, 80 is doable.

  • Finally get my last two missing styles and bring the other ones above atleast 5.
    -> still missing Scottish Ale, above 5 is on good progress but wont make Sahti, Polotmavy, Malt Liquor I guess

  • 200 place Ratings - currently at 159.
    -> 238 atm, travelling helped a lot.

  • Visit 5 new countries - 3 already planned.
    -> only one new country so far, Poland. Had to cancel other trips, but I will probably get 1-2 more.

  • Improve Ratings in my Region (Rhineland-Palatinate). This includes trying to get every brewey (31/69) and atleast 100 new rates (currently 194).
    -> 37/70 breweries, more to come throughout the summer, but probably wont make it to all. 248 total rates, so halfway through. Looking good.


Hit 3,000 rates. (Will need approximately 550. Slowed down a bit lately so this is realistic.)
Will be close. 35% of the way there, but also have a fest and two trips coming up which will help.

Rate all Nebraska Breweries. Again, with new ones opening and distance so far apart, I currently plan to have to try 13 new ones and some would be difficult due to location and hours but possible.
Not gonna happen but didn’t try very hard either.

Hit 500 different breweries. Need 31 more. Very possible if I want to put in some effort.
Only need 12 more now. With 2 trips coming up that should take care of this.

Hit 50 countries. Need 6 more. A bit trickier and would take some traveling or trading.
Need 4 more. Will probably happen thanks to hitting stores on my trips.

Finish styles. Still need Sake-Taru and Sake-Honjozo. Again, possible if I do a trade or travel.
Maybe? No progress, but depends what I can find on my trip.

Hit 500 Nebraska rates. Only 33 to go. Super easy. Might have before the end of 2017 haha.
DONE. Flew by this one.

Meet at least one new Ratebeerian.
Could happen on my trips, pretty easily.

As you can tell, my trips could help me really complete almost all my goals. Oklahoma City, San Antonio, Jackson, MS, Dayton/Cincinnati, the last one being the one that I foresee helping the most.

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Ok, let’s see how I’m doing…

  1. I’ll almost certainly lose the top spot in Cambs, but I’m happy with getting into the top 50 of some more English counties. I added a few this year, let’s see what I can hold onto and improve upon.
    Somehow still in the top Cambridgeshire spot although this is probably due to others not completing their backlogs.

  2. Get some more of the less common (for me) styles. Baltic porters and whatnot.
    Meh, doing okay. Not loads of rare style rates but steadily picking off the odd one or two.

  3. Add at least 4 English counties and 1 new country (money allowing) to my place rates. I’m envisaging Zomerzet, Glos, Warks and possibly E Sussex.
    Done. Except I got Berkshire instead of E Sussex.

  4. Finally do the Bermondsey mile (yes I know it’s a bit passé now but still…)
    Not yet, and my London trips are rare these days so not looking likely.

  5. Keep in the top 50 of place raters. Circumstances won’t allow me to travel as much as 2017 but I’d like to stay around where I am in the stats.
    At 41 at the moment. Can’t rate places right now in my life so hopefully my present total will hold for the top 50.

  6. Drink better beer, as opposed to drinking for ticks quite as much. Order online more as opposed to going out.
    Lately, yes. Had some damn fine beer in the fast few weeks even though quantity of ticks have declined.

  7. Stay on RateBeer. It’s frustrating at times, but for me it remains the top beer logging/ticking/rating site by a country mile.
    More frustrated than ever. But I’m still here!!!

  8. Drink no Greene King. Easier now that I’m no longer on their patch.
    So far, moving out of East Anglia has allowed me to keep my ticks GK free.

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  1. Tick 20 new countries and hit 115
    Currently at 108, so seven more to go. Have four potentially lined up, and trip home would possibly add two more countries, so I might actually make this one.

  2. Become the biggest rater of Russian breweries.
    Made some pretty good progress, having narrowed the gap from 20 to four. Soon to be three behind thanks to a cheapo pale lager from an obscure brewery in Tatarstan. Shouldn’t be too hard to accomplish this one.

  3. Hit 50 Armenian rates / remain the top rater of Armenian beers.
    Currently at 38. I picked up quite a few ticks from the country’s only brewery plus a number of macros, but had to put off a visit to the country itself. Don’t know if I’m still the top rater because my premium expired and at the moment there’s little reason to renew it.


Hej Yantar,

u are still the top dog of Armenia vs brews.
And u have a draw on breweries with 6…

Cheers / Thomas


H-index for countries up to 30, sitting at 24 now. Tough target and probably many bad beers.- 1/2 have done great efforts the last couple of days, will reach 25 today. Hope to reach 26, by next fortnight vs going to Croatia.
Have a friend over to Iceland week 26 - so 27 by week 27. How to reach cpl targets, no clues?

Update : reached 26… 27 Croatian and going strong, good beer country!

So the 1/2 year have past any updates?

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Ate at a Balkan restaurant while in St Louis 2 weeks ago and nabbed Romania and Slovakia country ticks getting me to my goal of 90 countries the push to a century begins.

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2018 Goals:
15000 ratings.
Still doable.

850 place ratings.
DONE! 868.

1000 Wisconsin ratings.
Sitting at 999 with #1000 gonna be cracked as soon as a friend gets here!

2700 Virginia ratings.
DONE! 2713 at the moment.

97 Countries (currently 94).
Still at 94. :frowning:

5 from every style (need 1 sahti, 2 polotmavy, 2 faro).
Got the sahti but still need the others.

Rate a place in a new state. Candidates are AL, AK, AZ, AR, CA, CO, FL, HI, ID, KS, LA, MS, MT, NE, NV, NM, ND, OK, OR, SD, TX, UT, WA, WY
Nope but a trip to North Dakota is planned for next month.

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I visited Estonia, Latvia, Lithuania & Belarus for the first time so I hit the country goal. Currently at 12500 so hitting 13500 seems possible.