Adding Photos not working


Anyone noticing that new beer pics aren’t being added to beers and have not been since the 2nd week of June. Can anyone look into this?

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Ummm yeah, never had a problem. You talking when you’re adding a beer or adding/upgrading a pic.
Adding a pic can take a little while but usually only a few days, sometimes sooner!

Just added a new beer with a photo. No problems encountered.

I’m using the website via Chrome on an Android phone.


Just added a beer and uploaded a photo on my laptop, using Edge, photo arrived within 2 minutes.

Have to ask - how exactly are you adding pictures? Is it pics you attach to the beers to add, or?

Didn’t encounter any issues for a while, they even showed up faster than usual sometimes.

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I’ve not had any issues when adding beers recently. Additionally, was doing some admin clean up of a few breweries and had no issue adding those photos either.

The issue is regarding adding photos to an existing beer (adding new beers with a photo from the outset seems to work fine). My experience has always been good up to now, and within that “few days” mentioned in another reply - but almost a month seems odd.

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What’s the way you’re uploading them?

Via the beer’s page, using the edit link. You’re diverted to email, as access to upload directly has been taken away from everyone even paid up premium members. Here’s an example of a beer for which I submitted an image on 16 June. Before this date everything seemed to work fine, the fault only seems to affect pics added on or after this date. Could the inbox be full by any chance?

I might have found a workaround.

Remembering that the Send Corrections toggle directs you back to a legacy version of the beer’s page containing a direct image upload link, I reported a dummy change to reach it for the above beer. Lo and behold it provided the expected link and I was able to upload the image immediately, with instant results.

Maybe there’s a means of accessing the legacy version of a beer’s page without the email faff. Would be great to know this as it would save an incredible amount of time and frustration.

It shouldn’t need to be a battle to use a platform one has been loyal to for 15 years X

@Marko see above - replies didn’t attach to messages

Ah, sorry, missed the upper one somehow.

Joe is handling those, the Inbox might be full if the address changed. Someone else might know which address works perfectly. **If someone is successfully sending pics to be added, please give us a hint here. :slight_smile: **

The “add photos” function, removed from regular users due to extreme abuse, is working for admins - would be cool to return it to premium users, of course.

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I would also add that some of the photos were inappropriate or spammed from hackers. My opinion is that they should be of the label, the sizes are not large enough for me to care what someones beer pour looked like. You can always add those kind of photos over at that other site.

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No problems here. Sounds like you’re doing what I do, emailing them in.
I can’t imagine this privilege being abused! Ain’t that many people around here who actually care enough to do that right?!
I stopped sending in the pics of the beer and a glass full long ago. Just the can or bottle itself. Might send a pic of a glass full if it’s a beer that doesn’t see packaging of any sort.

I’m sure this photo helps people out when they are confirming the have the right entry. Name that beer from the photo?

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Miller Lite??

You’re good, but not that good it’s a cider!

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I’ve sent corrections to revive it from retirement, and to update ABV to 3.4% . As it already has an [old] pic it would not let me update it via workaround. New pic attached
Cheers from the Duke of St Albans, Highgate London

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