API Access & No responses

I’ve been trying to get access to the Ratebeer API since January, but haven’t been replied to yet. I’ve tried going through the website: https://www.ratebeer.com/api.asp

I have mailed every address in the Ratebeer contact page:
(a bunch of those addresses actually don’t exist)

I have emailed @joet directly, no response.

Is there any way to get someone within Ratebeer to actually reply?

Don’t know, but this thread from last year may help. There are long and variable lags in getting responses on some matters.

Yeah, I’ve come across that thread. I’ve tried submitting my request while logged in, while logged out, used three different mail addresses and send an email explaining my issue to all addresses listed in Ratebeer contact. No reply whatsoever, it’s weird that a site that’s been around this long doesn’t monitor requests or checks its emails.



Can you help him guys?

@joet @aww @services

thanks, i’m still waiting for a response myself.

I mean, they don’t have to give access to the API, but the lack of communication is very frustrating. @zebra you haven’t gotten a response regarding the API key? All I want to do with it is making sure all descriptions and images from my brewery (200+ beers) are up to date. @services @Viper666.Qc

BTW I’m not working for them guys…I’m just mass-whining on them all the time to make things move more quickly, so no need to Tag me, I’ll whine anyway :wink: …just always Tag @aww @services @joet they always love when you do, this is like nipple-rubbing to them

Ha, okay! Apologies!

What is you Brewery exactly (I guess it’s Uiltje Brewing Co. & Craft Beer Bar…) and why don’t you finish setting up create your account (instead of having a random username)

There’s a way to link you to your brewery when your account it complete and verified.

Thanks for the suggestion. I made the account to get access to the forum after months of waiting for a reply by email. I will complete it and verify after someone from Ratebeer gets back to me… @services @joet

BTW your product names and labels are sick as f*** :stuck_out_tongue:

Thank you!

@joet @services @aww, any chance on an update on this?


Could you send us an email at api-requests@ratebeer.com with your details, then we can allocate a key. I’ll be monitoring this. Keep in mind the current api is read-only.

Services @ RateBeer

Thank you! I have sent an email to the mentioned address. I got this as a reply:

"We’re sorry, but your email message to [“api-requests@ratebeer.com”] (titled Re: [RateBeer Forums] [Site News] API Access & No responses) didn’t work.

None of the destination email addresses are recognized, or the Message-ID header in the email has been modified. Please make sure that you are sending to the correct email address provided by staff."

I have sent another, and it seemed to go through.

Again thank you for monitoring this.

Issue is resolved, the Ratebeer team reached out by mail.


@joet @services @aww any chance on an update on my request for access to the API also?

@zebra Apologies, we have been having issues with our requests. Could you send an email directly to api-requests@ratebeer.com and I’ll fulfil it straight away.

Services @ RateBeer