BREWERS: Issues Reporting - Please Post Here for modifications

Sad news :disappointed:

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This brewery:

Is in the wrong Mexican state in the database. SHould be in Baja California, as it’s in Tijuana, not state of Aguascalientes.

Alas, there goes all my Aguascalientes ticks.

And this brewery, Ficha:

Is actually in the state of Nuevo Leon, city Monterrey. (If there’s any doubt, it says so right on the label on the brewery page…)
Postal code is 87140 not 67140

Bump for these two last posts, anybody out there?

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These two Serbian breweries are the same:

thx @Marko

Another one soon to go …

please delete:
with curly quote

please add “&” to name of:

This new brewery is actually owned by Heineken from what I can tell:

At least their menu seems to suggest so:

I love the way they think that decades long fight to sell to Heineken is a good news story. Although, yeah, it presumably was for their bank balance.

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Complicated brewing issues in Panama. So there are at least three breweries that brew at this same place which much just do contract brewing called Centenario Brewing. As far as I can tell, they don’t make a beer under this moniker. But Strange Beers, 2 Oceans, Cerveceria Mulata and La Murga all brew there, all of their beers as far as I can tell. Tagging Latin America admin @Lubiere on this

Update: So ya, I added that brewery as a contract brewery, if that’s what should be done. Now we just need to move all the beers from those breweries as being contracted through Centenario. I’m adding a few now, I’ll do them like that.

Ya. I guess when you think of it in the context of Heroic Capitalism vs Fidel like they probably do, it’s a good news story.

This cidery:

…is a sub brand of one already listed.

The website says so right on the cider page:

Perhaps not surprisingly, these two are the same brewery: One, Two. Their page says the Doggett St, Newstead address is correct apart from the fact it’s in Brisbane, Queensland, not the Australian Capital Territory. 1200km but not as many decades distant as until recently.

Can you nuke this brewer?

Back in the time it was a HomeBrewer. Now is operating in Galicia as a client brewer (just added with the correct info)

accidentally hit enter while typing in the phone number for this new UK cidery:
Could it please be updated to a Cidery

Please also add website & facebook as:


Fixed the inputs, do you have the phone number as well?

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Cheers - can’t find a phone number for them, just their address and websites

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Map always gets confused in Colombia. This one is placed wrong:

SHould be here (and even though it says Monarca on the Google maps, I confirmed they changed their name to Libertad):
CERVEZA ARTESANAL LIBERTAD chia - Google Search],null,[4.851006001011441,-74.0594577371287],16]

This place map should be moved to reflect address of the restaurant you can actually visit–the place shows the brewery where you can’t.

Right address is in there now, just need to edit the map.