Bryan Betts [BeerViking] - Sad News

I guess people may already aware of this via social media but The Brirish Guild of Beer Writers have just published news regarding Bryan’s death.

A lovely guy. Met up with him twice last year, in Brentford and then at a festival. In fact the first Ratebeerian I met, having started chatting to him whilst waiting to get served at Egham, with Ratebeer then getting mentioned.

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Damn I am shocked by this news. I met up with Bryan (@BeerViking) a few times in London. Also as he was an admin at Untapped, we shot back and forth a few messages. He will definitely be missed!

Don’t tend to bother with social media so likely wouldn’t have known till mentioned here.

Sad news indeed … met with him a few times over the years and benefitted from his press pass (2nd person) for some beers in the past.

Has he been ill in recent times, did you notice when you saw him last?

Not seen him since before lock down but seemed pretty active still.

Friends with him on Facebook and from what his wife posted it was a very quick and unexpected illness. It makes me reflect as he was in way better fitness than me at his age. I’ll be sure to tick some beers this weekend in his honor.


Thanks for sharing the news, even if it’s not good news.

So sorry to hear it. Bryan was a really gregarious guy. Always up for a chat. Last time I saw him was at the Experiment in Hackney, last year; it was a chance encounter, you really never knew where Bryan might pop up around London. But if there was beer, you knew he might pop up. Sad we wont’t have anymore random catch-ups around London.


That is very sad news indeed. I’ve exchanged plenty of messages with Bryan for many years and finally met him at Ealing beer festival last summer. Really interesting chap too. I see he was only 1 year older than me. Life is short, may he rest in peace.


Yes, when I met up with him last year he cycled both times. Was surprised to read that he was 62 i think his children were school.

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Yes I realised his kids were young. I think I first met him in 2012 and reckon they were perhaps 2 and 4 or 5.

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Very sad to hear this. Our paths never crossed unfortunately but of course he was a familiar name on the site. Thoughts are with his family and those who knew him.


Surprising and sad news. I met Bryan a handful of time over the years, mainly at Chris and Ruth’s shindigs, beer festivals around London, as well as some chance encounters in London beer bars. He was always a friendly chap and of cource super knowledgable on beer.

62 is of course too short and my thoughts are with his family and loved ones. A sad reminder that life is precious and should be treated as such.


This is indeed sad news. Met him a couple of times. My condolences to his family at this difficult time.


Very sad to hear the news about Bryan. He was always very kind to us when we visited London. I still remember happy moments sharing beers with him at Kernel Brewery Taproom just a year ago. We also had a great time together at Camra Winter Beer Festival in Birmingham a few years ago when he reserved seating for us. He will be missed!


I don’t think that I ever met him, however such sad news and only 62 :disappointed:


So sad…my condolences to his family and friends. He will be missed. RIP.

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I’m a bit late to this thread but very sad news indeed. Never met Bryan in person and had only exchanged brief messages directly a couple of times in the past regarding admin stuff - he was well regarded among Untappd moderators too. He was always willing to share his expertise or thoughts in discussions regarding styles or whatever it might be over the years, and he was very knowledgeable on German stuff in particular. He’ll be sorely missed not just here but in many beer communities.


Bryan’s death hit me terribly. We met for the first time in my hometown in 2017. Since then we have had a really nice friendship and we met once or twice a year, usually with a few other friends of mine. They were great evenings. Last year we had dinner with our wives and lots of great beers. This year we wanted to visit them both in Brentford. With tears in my eyes, I look at the beers that I have put aside for the next evening with Bryan. But we’ll still drink these beers for his sake. I miss you, my friend.