so did you do what John suggested … attempt to add a place ?
Can’t log in, can’t do any ratings, but see everything else.
That works for me. And since I was curious I took a peek at what happens when you log in from the add place.
The session token expiry is set to next year then, not like it is when you log in the normal way where the expiry is set back in time.
Take a look at the token settings when logging in via add places. It uses a different expiry date when compared to the normal login, one that actually works.
Well that seems to have worked, but the whole thing really needs to be fixed properly
Couldn’t log in yesterday morning, didn’t change a thing but I am able to log in on the same computer for some reason. Weird.
Can you do anything other than search and rate?
Clicking on Community brings up the ROBOT for me, as does latest activity.
I can view my own pages … beer ratings, countries and states etc … but seemingly can’t access any details of the wider community.
Community works for me. Once I manage to log in (via add places) everything seems to work just like normal. Apart from the forum where it says I need to log in to the main site.
Still not the case for me
Have tried on both IE and Firefox
No community
Now logs me in automatically - problem solved ?
So you can do everything you can normally do then in terms of pages/functionality?
I just logged in and out again
Logged OUT I can view community pages etc
I logged back in again … again via add a place and AGAIN … no functionality on community, latest activity … straight to ROBOT
On my iPad everything works at the moment including community.
On my phone everything works too but I still have to use the tradesmen’s entrance
I haven’t logged out or in on my laptop in many months (Firefox). I have not seen the robot in months. It does say “Log In” at the top of forums page but everything works fine when I ignore it. I haven’t footled with cookies.
On Firefox, I cannot get it to work. I cleared cookies and cache, but nothing. Can’t rate or whatever. What exactly was the workaround people did?
Go to add place and log in from there. Seems to use a different script or something to set the login token.
Perfect thanks!
i have two laptops (home and at work) working normally now, but my phone still not working - not tried the back door method yet though
I couldn’t log into the forum, but was still logged into the regular site and could rate. I made the mistake of deleting my cookies thinking that would solve the issue, but it meant I was unable to get back into my account to rate.
I ended up going to Google and trying to find a result that took me to an older page template still in use on the site. That got me back in almost immediately.
Specifically … which old page did you use?
I had a look back with Google and tried pages such as best beer 2019 but still making no difference for me.
I even activated a new cell phone yesterday so no previous cache/cookies etc … still won’t log me in … have to go with ‘add new place’ option which allows me to search/rate but NOT access community/latest activity
I can only log in via this page