Original Post
Just that. I log in, it says ‘thanks for logging in’… but I am not logged in. Trued it from a couple of pages and two different browsers. Nothing. Tried restarting my device, also does not work.
Is anyone else having this? Is this something that can be looked onto? The app works for me at the moment so I can just use that as and when.
Getting the same here. I was able to rate a beer around an hour and a half ago, but now I can’t. When opening an extra window to see what was wrong, I was unable to log in. It accepted, but it didn’t log in anyway.
No real idea what is going on or who changed what on the server side, but can’t see any access cookies set and the expiry date on the access and id tokens are set to yesterday (which would explain why no cookies get set).
I emptied my cache which was dumb as not only did it not help but I lost the forum as well
I logged in through Places (it works when we need to add/edit a place so i thought I would try this), eventually it gave me forums as well. So if this was anybody’s doing, thank you.
Edit. Spoke a bit too soon, i used the search engine and it logged me out. Careful out there.