Here you go:
Could you do mine aswell ?
Would love a copy of this too Phil!
Amazing, I’d love one too!
Omg I’d love to have mine as well!
This is great!
I find place reviews the most interesting. Can i have mine as well?
I feel cheeky asking, but I’d love mine too if it’s not so much bother for you.
Something went wrong with yours, and I can’t work out why presently, sorry.
Everyone else is here:
Thank you!
Would love one too!
Can I get mine too please Many thanks!
I’d like my offline ratings too if possible Thanks
Lists updated, including @Camons (was cross-eyed, messed up your UID)
Thank you
Brilliant! Thank you.
Phil, can I ask you for this too? I have no idea how it works, is it something you can download and email to me? In any case, many thanks in advance!
Can I have mine too? Thanks!
That’s pretty cool, would it be possible to do mine as well?