Compile Ratings special characters problem

When compiling ratings (for example, exporting to Excel as csv) all the non-Latin characters are converted into various different encoded formats. One simple example is that the apostrophe is represented as ' (Ampersand Hash 3 9 Semicolon)
Please fix this so the text in the downloaded file appears the same as it does on the website or that it appears in the closest equivalent Latin alphabet symbol.

There’s no straightforward way to do this using online conversion tools as the source data has more than one encoded format.
The ability to compile ratings is a premium feature. So please get it working.


I experience same, see sample below for importing CSV into XLSX.:

Below is snipe from same section in RB:

As you can seee there is a huge difference.
Can the dev team look into this issue and export right characters to csv?
@services Seeing is believing.