Contract Canning Companies in EU

I wanted a list of co-packers of beverage cans in the EU region especially in Romania, Greece, Croatia, Lithuania, Estonia, Latvia, and Switzerland for my new bev company. Finding such companies is difficult on the net ! Please help :slight_smile:

Hello alex365, welcome to RateBeer.

Usually new people rate a few beers and have a good look around the site before posting questions. Good luck with your new ‘bev company’, not too sure you’ll get too much information or help from here though.


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Thanks BlackHaddock ! I did visit the site and wasn’t able to find such info about co-packers of bev cans as I am trying to set up the a new marketplace in East Europe. But thanks for the help !


There are some great co-packers around here. To name a few, @MrTipple @Theydon_Bois @madmitch76 @wingmanwillis @The_Osprey @mR_fr0g @Scopey reach out to any of these guys and they will help you out.


Damn @alex365

I hung up my co packing tins just a month ago

@Leighton is being modest about his co packing knowledge … be sure to hit him up with a private message!

When i set up my bev company in Bulgaria he was the man!

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It’s true I am an avid co-packer but I work exclusively with @MrTipple at this point in time. Although I believe he’s a bit more loose and may be open to other opportunities.