Do you think pickle beer is a creative innovation that adds diversity to the craft beer scene, or is it an abomination that strays too far from traditional brewing practices?

Personally, I’m torn between embracing pickle beer’s adventurous spirit and questioning if it’s just a briny gimmick.
I mean, who wouldn’t be curious about a beer that tastes like pickles? But then again, does it really belong in the sacred realm of craft brewing?

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I’ve not met a cucumber or pickle beer that I’ve not tried. I enjoy most of them. I wish someone would make one a bit more spicy without making it a bloody maryish.


Absolutely! It’s a delicate balance, isn’t it? The allure of pickle beer’s unique flavor is undeniable, yet there’s a nagging doubt about its place among the revered craft brews. As a pickle beer aficionado myself, I’ve sampled them all. While I appreciate the variety, a touch of spice could elevate the experience without veering into Bloody Mary territory.

What about this one?

Have you tried?

No, i’ve not had access to many NZ/AU beers unless they were shared by @danlo or @Grumbo

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We talkin dill, sweet or bread and butter pickles?

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I see. That may be a fine option for spicy pickle beer!

Here is a good article we published on Pickle Beer that provides a comprehensive overview of pickle beer including the origins of pickle beer, varieties, food pairings, how its made, how to brew your own, most popular brands and more.

Pickle Beer: What’s The Dill?


Thank you Lynndavis25 for recommending a resourceful article :blush:


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What a coincide that Linda was able to share this article, so soon after you signed up and started a thread on the very same subject :laughing:

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Everybody is looking to provide opinions and generate value for the platform. You never know when you find something that is of your interest and area. Anyway, thank you for you valuable opinion.

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Craft Beer has progressed to become the antithesis of Traditional Brewing. So, far from being abomination, it takes the brewing art to new realms which are at odds with tradition.

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