My project consist in the creation of a microbrewery in Montreal (Canada). We have to evaluate the feasibility of this beer production project but we do not have any relevant data on the internet. That’s why I write you in this forum to benefit from your expertise in brewing.
Production to be achieved: 500 liters for each brewing.
The range of beers produced would consist of six beers:
• A blonde (33 and 70 cl)
• Amber (33 and 70 cl)
• A brunette (33 and 70 cl)
This project is part of a masters course at an engineering school in Montreal (CANADA). Please send your answers on this email (my preference) or directly on the forum: maxherosbrewer01@hotmail.com
Please answer all questions with accuracy and do not hesitate to ask me questions if you need more details.
My questions are as follows:
1- Given that the production will be 500 liters per brewing how much time do you estimate a production brewing (in days)?
2- What is the initial investment required for the equipment of that brewing process?
3- What is the required area for the equipment of that brewing process?
4- What is the initial investment required for malting process equipment (1 malting tank and 1 drying equipment)?
5- What is the required area for the equipment of the malting process?
6- Can you estimate the required amount of the following ingredients for each brewing (in kilograms)?
- Malt
- Hops
- the yeast
7- What is the monthly frequency supply of raw materials?
8- How much do you estimate the annual net revenue (if all beer bottles are sold) ?
9- How much do you estimate the cost of ingredients per year?
10- What would be the TRAM for such a project?
11- How many people will be needed for :
- Production
- Storage and distribution
- Management and coordination
12- How much do you estimate the following annual expenses / expenses:
- Production
- Raw materials
13- How much will it take for insurance?
14- What will my customers be?
15- How much do you estimate advertising costs (in order to be known or famous) ?
16- What is the state of this industry? (growing? Decreasing? … )
17- What forecast can you make for this market for the next 5 years (in %)?