Feasability analysis - Microbrewery in Montreal

My project consist in the creation of a microbrewery in Montreal (Canada). We have to evaluate the feasibility of this beer production project but we do not have any relevant data on the internet. That’s why I write you in this forum to benefit from your expertise in brewing.

Production to be achieved: 500 liters for each brewing.
The range of beers produced would consist of six beers:
• A blonde (33 and 70 cl)
• Amber (33 and 70 cl)
• A brunette (33 and 70 cl)

This project is part of a masters course at an engineering school in Montreal (CANADA). Please send your answers on this email (my preference) or directly on the forum: maxherosbrewer01@hotmail.com

Please answer all questions with accuracy and do not hesitate to ask me questions if you need more details.
My questions are as follows:

1- Given that the production will be 500 liters per brewing how much time do you estimate a production brewing (in days)?

2- What is the initial investment required for the equipment of that brewing process?

3- What is the required area for the equipment of that brewing process?

4- What is the initial investment required for malting process equipment (1 malting tank and 1 drying equipment)?

5- What is the required area for the equipment of the malting process?

6- Can you estimate the required amount of the following ingredients for each brewing (in kilograms)?

  • Malt
  • Hops
  • the yeast

7- What is the monthly frequency supply of raw materials?

8- How much do you estimate the annual net revenue (if all beer bottles are sold) ?

9- How much do you estimate the cost of ingredients per year?

10- What would be the TRAM for such a project?

11- How many people will be needed for :

  • Production
  • Storage and distribution
  • Management and coordination

12- How much do you estimate the following annual expenses / expenses:

  • Production
  • Raw materials

13- How much will it take for insurance?

14- What will my customers be?

15- How much do you estimate advertising costs (in order to be known or famous) ?

16- What is the state of this industry? (growing? Decreasing? … )

17- What forecast can you make for this market for the next 5 years (in %)?

Have fun getting someone else to write your business plan/term paper for you for free.


Nothing on the internet? Read some fxcking books then.

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I did something quite similar when going to school for brewing, I actually think you are supposed to figure this out yourself and not ask others to send it to you by email.

Perhaps ask to visit some breweries and see if they are willing to help out with a few of the questions?

As for a few of them:

  1. Depends on your brewery setup and your recipies
  2. See 1
  3. See 1
  4. see 1
  5. see 1
  6. See 1
  7. see 1
  8. Depends on what your costs are
  9. Depends on recipe
  10. Not familiar with TRAM myself, so can’t think about an answer
  11. If you are brewing 500 liters, you’ll likely not be able to afford wages even for 1 person
  12. See 1
  13. You likely will need to contact an insurance agency, they would be better equipped to answer
  14. Hopefully you have this figured out yourself
  15. Unless you have a huge amount of money, your advertising will happen through social media on your spare time, which will not be a lot of time while you are the only person doing everything in the brewery for free
  16. I do not know your local market well, in Sweden it is still very much growing in number of breweries, but perhaps not as much in new customers, so the amount of beer you sell to one person is decreasing per brewery
  17. I’m not the person for that, and you’ll likely ave difficulties getting answers from others in the industry

All in all, I’d expect you to perform a LOT more research on this than asking others for help on your questions.

Perhaps start reading a tad here:

Other various resources where a start can be made:

Quality Management: Essential Planning for Breweries
Mary Pellettieri

Beer: Tap Into the Art and Science of Brewing
Charles Bamforth

How to Brew: Everything You Need to Know to Brew Beer Right the First Time
John J. Palmer

Technology Brewing And Malting
Wolfgang Kunze

The Brewers Association’s Guide to Starting Your Own Brewery
Ray Daniels

Brewery Operations Manual
Tom Hennessy

The Brewers Association’s Guide to Starting Your Own Brewery (2nd Edition)
Dick Cantwell



Perhaps one more piece of advice:

You are not very likely, IMHO, to get really nice quick answer you can trust by asking some quick questions on the internet and then hope that they will give you all the correct answers.

And the ones that have the information you are looking for will likely not share it very willingly.

Thank you for your response sir. I really appreciate.

I will going through the resources you gave me and going to contact some brewery here to help me.

Thank you. Thank you

Contact the Association des Microbrasseries du Quebec (AMBQ) http://www.ambq.ca/ .
They probably can give you an overall state of the beer industry in Montreal… but for the rest you’ll have to do at least some work on your own…
Also contact the Régie des Alcools et des Jeux (RACJ) in order to know how to get a license to brew in Quebec. https://www.racj.gouv.qc.ca/