Free RateBeer Premium Membership through the month of October!

Yeah. Really don’t care anymore.

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Very much this.

@OminouSC2 @puzzl @martin00sr @nuplastikk @nisse666 @mike_77 @Zlotta @tommann @neil_d @Iznogud

Alright, so apparently there’s a procedure. Gr8. Make Joe give you a Premium, please. Spam the shit out of him.


@MiP @malvrich @Grumpelmies @47574xeCD @tonrob @adnielsen @Taboada @tmoreau @hopdog @DerWeg

Please see the post above to actually get Premium. Not your fault.

@prawlie @markoijelena @labeerinthum @KevinReddirt @kingstoni @RickFifty @charlotte @ogivlado @KimJohansen @undercurrent25

Please see the pic 2 posts above to actually get Premium.

@Marko asked me to blank post.


@Quick3Beers @drnkmcdermott @FireGlider @Hrc_Cro @Sebilinz @john44 @blackisle @Camons @czar @Zlotta

Joe will give you the Premium if you message him like this: Please do that and make him give you the Premium.

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@paskal666 @blipp @AllGrainAromas46 @nilsas @heavy

See the post above.

When I click on his profile it looks like your screengrab only the Message button is missing. I’m logged in, so wonder what I’m doing wrong… I haven’t had my coffee (imperial stout) yet, mind.

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@joet - any ideas?

Thanks @Marko

I don’t actually care about getting Premium, though. I’m not even sure what it does anymore.


I’m in! Sign me up for one.


You get free butt rape for a year with extra stats coming with it. Shitty at first for sure, but addictive on the long-term :wink:

Thanks for the heads up Marko.

Credit where credit is due. I now have Premium.

Guys, please. From the very first post in this topic Joet said that you have to send him a direct message or a feedback notice. There was no mention of making posts in this thread. If you don’t know what a direct message is, it’s kinda your fault, not his. Really don’t get why the spam and personal attacks here were necessary.


Actually what he said was

Simply let me know with a direct message here on Discourse or with a Feedback message

I had to Google what Discourse is and still have no idea what feedback message is. Some of the lads here are not exactly millenials born with a smartphone in their hands. Bunch of us are still reporting errors, adding new places and beers - in another words doing free work for AbInbev and possibly Joe (and getting something in return in the process). Really can’t understand the nitpicking and lack of flexibility, it’s not that RB needs more flak form its users.


English is my second language. I google translated discourse and I didn’t understand what it ment (the word that came up was roughly “conversation”), so I thougth posting here was enough, especially since so many others did. I didn’t even demand a Premium membership, just an answer to why posting here wasn’t enough.


I wish I was as IT savvy as you, but I am not and therefore haven’t been granted an extension to my Premium.

Missed out when the merchandise was given out too, I’m one of life’s lucky ones in other ways though.
